EGTS CAL ID Update Cummins Confidential CEAF Type: Change Notification Engine Family Affected: All programs using Dual and Triple EGTS part numbers Market(s) Impacted: Automotive, Industrial Anticipated Production Date ~ 07/2017 Cummins Confidential
Background/Reason for Change EGTS sensor supplier implemented robustness improvements to TC ASIC monitor software resulting in a software version change Software version changed to 03.01.00 (updated from 03.00.00). Sensor calibration information (CAL ID) changed, however, the sensor drawing was not modified to reflect this change. Cummins Confidential
Description of Change Existing EGTS prints will be updated to include new sensor software calibration information (CAL ID). Updated EGTS prints will each have 2 CAL ID’s and 1 CVN (calibration verification number). CVN value is common for old and new sensor software. Calibration ID is unique for old and new sensor software. Calibration for all dual and triple EGTS part numbers effective 05/14/2016 is Cummins Confidential
Potential Impact to OEMs The SCR TLA part numbers will not change. The DOC/DPF TLA part numbers will not change. The EGTS component part number will change (Refer to Slides 5 and 6). The EGTS P/Ns included in CEAF201608150003 : Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor Calibration Information Update- Re-labeling Sensors are not included in the scope of this CEAF The software details section of EGTS prints will be updated to include new sensor calibration information. OEMs performing End Of Line verification checks for CAL ID & CVN information will have to include both old and new sensor calibration information as expected values from sensor as this is a use-up and go-to change. Cummins Confidential
Affected EGTS PNs Current CES PN Current EBU PN New CES PN New EBU PN A040P176 4307102 A057K157 5461614 A040P177 4307103 A057K158 5461615 A040P184 4307108 A057K387 5461616 A043G730 4307728 A057K389 5461617 A041L382 4307261 A057K390 5461618 A041L415 4307262 A057K391 5461619 A043A822 4307746 A057K392 5461620 A044H474 4326525 A057K395 5461621 A044S743 4326612 A057K396 5461622 A044S744 4326613 A057K398 5461623 A048N081 4358874 A057K399 5461624 A045L556 4326830 A057K400 5461625 A045L557 4326831 A057K401 5461626 A045R443 4326875 A057K402 5461627 A045R457 4326876 A057K404 5461628 A046M296 4327010 A057K405 5461629 A046M297 4327011 A057K407 5461630 A042S199 4307708 A057K408 5461631
Affected EGTS PNs (continued) Current CES PN Current EBU PN New CES PN New EBU PN A042N178 4307694 A057K410 5461634 A042N179 4307695 A057K411 5461635 A044S715 4326604 A057K415 5461636 A044S716 4326605 A057K416 5461637 A044S731 4326608 A057K417 5461638 A044S732 4326609 A057K418 5461639 A047S205 4358666 A057K419 5461640 A050C713 4359270 A057K420 5461641 A051D884 4359580 A057K421 5461642 A052M405 4384076 A057K422 5461643 A051B438 4359539 A057K423 5461644 A052E656 4384140 A057K424 5461645 A052E657 4384141 A057K425 5461646 A052K433 4384000 A057K426 5461647 A052V373 4384077 A057K427 5461648 A052V374 4384079 A057K428 5461649 A054A638 4384386 A057K429 5461650 A054M641 4384458 A057K430 5461651 S&A, © Continental AG