6.0 Module Operation and Specifications
Training Overview Introduction to Greenfox Core Concepts of Sirius Different Sirius models Market Segments and Applications Sizing for solar applications Module Operation and Specifications
Static Storage There seem to be a lot of controversy and skepticism around supercapacitor storage. To test for yourself here is a list of test that can be performed that will differentiate between static and chemical storage. Nobody argues that capacitors have 1Million cycles, and last for many years. However, currently the debate seem to be around if Sirius actually uses supercapacitors. Using deductive reasoning, one can eliminate all the accusations. The laws of science dictate that if Sirius uses chemical cells, that all the tests performed would be compliant with that of that chemical cell. To the contrary if it shares one characteristic with any chemical cell, it says absolutely nothing. It is the same as saying a donkey has 4 legs. So everything with 4 legs has to be a donkey. Using deductive reasoning one can easily prove that Sirius is not making use of chemical cells. Below is a list of tests that could be used to disprove the chemical accusations. Lab Tests (Non destructive) Module level Round Trip Efficiency 0V test Temperature generation at fast C-rates Fast Charge Fast Discharge Limited degradation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzqmWgBSrHE Lab Tests (Destructive) Cell level Nail Test Fire test https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7jjMq5UE9A&feature=youtu.be Short circuit test Long term tests Cycle life Degradation
Sirius View Software Sirius View was designed for LAB use, data contained is user friendly or internet application friendly. The data is in TCP/IP v4 standard internet protocol Data transfer is every second all of the internal variables Standard TCP/IP v4 can be intercepted and displayed in a custom browser However, connecting the block the internet would not be advised unless you have a very secure network As the data can be intercepted, the theft protection command can be sent to the block via a hacker Why does it advertise monitoring if it is not intended for every day use. The monitoring is for module test and verification Get the module voltage set points Standard monitoring with traditional equipment does not allow for per second data Data transfer is too high for internet applications but has very high resolution Battery information currently has little value if not viewed in conjunction with the rest of the site data. Therefore use your existing monitoring as you would with any other battery.
Round Trip Efficiency There has been a lot of scepticism around a round trip efficiency of 99.1%. Internally the capacitors have close to 100% round trip. The module itself have some losses that bring down the efficiency of the unit. When doing a round trip efficiency test, it is important to make sure the test is performed correctly. One of the benefits of static storage is round trip efficiency. Capacitors do not lose energy in a conversion process like chemical cells. The only losses in static storage is transfer, parasitic and capacitor energy dissipation. Transfer losses Internally the energy is transferred from the connection terminals to the capacitors. Transfer not only happens between the connection terminals and the capacitors, but also internally between the capacitors through the balancing circuit. Parasitic losses All the electronics that are powered by the unit will draw power and reduce the round trip efficiency of the module. The current units, by switching the monitoring off once the theft protection is activated the block the parasitic losses will reduce significantly. Energy dissipation If the unit is fully charged, do not leave it for a long period before the discharge test starts. Capacitors lose energy over time and may affect the result if left in a charged state for a long time.
Round Trip Efficiency - Test In order to perform the test correctly a few factors have to be kept in mind. Module efficiency does not include external cable losses. The start and end state of charge have to be the same Ideally one would disconnect the monitoring, as this is the biggest parasitic load. However this is not possible if the monitoring is used for the RTE data. In application however the monitoring could be disconnected. External cable losses If third party measurement is used. You have to use the voltage at the module terminal, and not at the device charging or discharging. The cable losses are significant and will reduce the module RTE by as much as 5% at very high charge rates. Take the cable losses on a 2m positive and 2m negative 50mm² cable at 156A. R of 50mm² is around 0.386Ohm/Km @ 25°C. Therefore I²R = 37.58 Watts. This equates to 1.06% energy loss per cycle. This is all within the boundaries of what is considered perfectly normal for testing. However if the efficiency only states a loss of 0.9% your cable losses are already more than this. Start and end State of charge The easiest is to start with the module full. Charge the module to 100%, i.e.. let the tail current settle to < 1A. Once the tail current settles the module is charged to 100%. Start the discharge at desired current. Record the current and voltage every second if external monitoring is used, or Sirius View will record every second. Once the module is discharged start charging the module up again. On the recharge wait again until the tail currents settle < 1A. The value of the tail current settling does not matter, as long as they are the same value when the test started. The losses equal the resettling energy over the maximum energy.