Engineering Mechanics dynamic
Example 1 A car starts from rest and with constant acceleration achieves a velocity of 15 m /s when it travels a distance of 200 m. Determine the acceleration of the car and the time required.
Example 2 An elevator descends from rest with an acceleration of 1.5 s/m2 until it achieves a velocity of 4.5 m/s. determine the time required and the distance traveled.
Example 3 Determine the constant force F which must be applied to the cord in order to cause the 15 kg block A to have a speed of 3.6 m/s when it has been displayed 0.9 m upward starting from the rest. Neglect the weight of the pulleys and cord.
Example 4 The casting has a mass of 3 Mg. Suspended in a vertical position and initially at rest, it is given an upward speed of 200 mm/s in 0.3 s using a crane hook H. Determine the tension in cables AC and AB during this time interval if the acceleration is constant.