Reviews, Comments, Trolling, and Ethics Commenting and Trolling: How much is too much?
Take a Quiz! How many airlines can you name?
Airline Branding and Customer Service What is customer service? What is the relation with customer service and brand? How is good customer service displayed or evaluated? Of the airlines that we saw, which ones have the best service and the worst? Find a list online and name the five best airlines and the five worst airlines.
Reviews are usually longer and more in-depth looks at a product or a service. Can include pictures Can include personal experiences Is usually formal or casual language Two kinds: professional and casual Commenting is usually much shorter and more informal. Can include colloquial language and cursing Usually found after news articles or product pages online Not always reflective of reality Reviews vs. Comments
Tips for Writing a Good Review Determine the goal of your review Positive or Negative Use constructive and useful language “The customer service was fast, but the company needs to improve its refund policy.” Talk about all of the things that are good or bad Be detailed and honest Don’t include personal information of you or the people you spoke to Be professional Using formal language allows for professional reviews
Two Kinds of Reviews Professional Reviews Customer Reviews Two Kinds of Reviews
Airlines are often the source of hot reviews because of incidents that happen. What kind of incidents did you see in the video? What would be the reviews that you would see after these incidents? Would it be positive or negative for the airline? Reviews of Airlines
Tips for Writing a Comment Determine the main point of your comment Try not to be too emotional Try not to use vulgar language Use colloquial or casual language, just not bad language Use modifiers to denote your opinion from fact: In my opinion… According to [person or company]… To me personally… Don’t fight or troll someone Be honest and don’t exaggerate
Commenting on Twitter
Write a Comment and a Review Download the Comment and Review Worksheet from
Ethics of Commenting and Trolling What is trolling? Attacking someone either for fun or harm on the internet for a comment or something that is done What are the kinds of trolling? Personal Political Identity – religious, gender, sexual orientation, etc. Why do people troll? Lack of Accountability Activism or Ideology To get a Reaction
Examples of Trolling Case of Brenda Leyland On May 3, 2007, Kate and Gerry McCann experienced every parent’s worst nightmare. While vacationing in Portugal, their three-year-old daughter Madeleine went missing. Initially, the Portuguese police suspected that the McCanns were involved with their daughter’s disappearance. However, in early 2015, Goncalo Amaral, the former police chief who led the investigation, was ordered to pay libel damages of 500,000 euros to the McCanns for claiming in his book that they faked Madeleine’s kidnapping and hid her body. Other people agreed with the initial suspicions of the Portuguese police, including 63-year-old Brenda Leyland, who lived in Burton Overy, Leicestershire, England, and tweeted under the name @Sweepyface. In December 2010, she tweeted about the McCanns for the first time. Her Twitter account was rarely used in 2011 and 2012, but she returned to tweet or retweet over 2,200 posts from November 2013 to September 2014. About 19 percent of them concerned the McCanns. Some of the tweets tried to shame the couple into admitting Leyland’s perception of the truth about their daughter’s disappearance. As shown in the video above, Leyland was approached in late 2014 by a reporter from Sky News and asked why she was using Twitter to attack the McCanns. Leyland responded that she was entitled to do so. She seemed composed when told that a file of her tweets had been given to Scotland Yard. A few days after being exposed on Sky News, Leyland took her own life by overdosing on helium (Grimminck, 2015).
Group Work How could this example have been prevented? What is the best way to prevent trolling? What can governments and companies do to prevent this sort of thing from happening? Group Work
Create a Review Based on the theme of your blog, find a product or service that would be of interest to your readers. Write a fictional (or non-fictional if you have experienced it) review about that product or service. It must be at least 3 paragraphs long Use the tips that were covered in class for writing a review Post it to the “Opinions” page of your blog.
References Grimminck, R. (2015, August 8). 10 Notorious Internet Trolls Who Were Exposed. Retrieved from Listverse: O'Hare, M. (2016, July 25). The world's most-loved airlines on TripAdvisor. Retrieved from CNN Travel: Sanfilippo, M. R., Yang, S., & Fichman, P. (2017). Managing Online Trolling: From Deviant to Social and Political Trolls. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1802-1811. United Airlines Customer Reviews. (2018). Retrieved from Skytrax: