Week 3 Macbeth act II
Act ii scene i IN p. 74 (top half) What does Duncan give Macbeth’s wife as a present for her hospitality? What is the topic of Banquo’s nightmares? What deal does Macbeth mention to Banquo? What imaginary object does Macbeth try to address? What Greek goddess is mentioned in this scene? Then, write a short 1-2 sentence summary of what happened in this scene!
Act ii scene ii IN p. 74 (bottom half) what does Lady Macbeth confess at the beginning of this scene? Why didn’t Lady Macbeth kill Duncan herself? What word stuck in Macbeth’s throat? What might this mean for him? What does Macbeth say about trying to wash his hands? Then, write a short 1-2 sentence summary of what happened in this scene!
Act ii scene iii IN p. 75 (top half) List three people the porter mentions at the beginning of the scene. What three things does drink make a man do? Who goes to wake Duncan? How has the night been unruly? What two crimes have been committed? Then, write a short 1-2 sentence summary of what happened in this scene!
Act ii scene iv IN p. 75 (bottom half) What happened to Duncan’s horses? What happened to the drunk servants? Where was Duncan’s body taken? Where is Macduff going? Where is Ross going? Then, write a short 1-2 sentence summary of what happened in this scene!