Where Do Volcanoes Occur? Convergent plate boundaries: 75% of active volcanoes Ex: Ring of Fire Divergent plate boundaries: as plates move apart, magma rises to fill the space
Convergent Plate Boundaries Ocean-Ocean • Rising magma forms volcanic island arcs (Aleutian Islands). Ocean-Continent • Rising magma forms continental volcanic arcs (Andes Mountains).
Divergent Plate Boundaries greatest volume of volcanic rock is produced along the oceanic ridge system.
Intraplate volcanism is igneous activity that occurs within a tectonic plate away from plate boundaries. • The activity forms localized volcanic regions called hot spots.
Hot Spots: volcano that occurs in the middle of a plate Mantle plume rise from deep inside the mantle An island will form if lava & ash build up As the plate keeps moving, a “trail” develops (Hawaiian Islands) http://www.classzone.com/books/earth_science/terc/content/investigations/es0810/es0810page03.cfm OLDEST oldest
Volcanoes Under the Ocean Seamount: an underwater volcano Look much like cinder/composite volcanoes Black & White Smokers!
What appears to be the relationship between plate boundaries and Earthquake frequency? Do you notice anything interesting about the locations of active volcanoes around the world?
Where Do Volcanoes Occur? Recent Eruptions
In which of the following areas is a volcano least likely to form? Divergent boundary Convergent boundary Transform boundary Hot spot Plates moving past each other does not necessarily lead to exposure of the mantle.