LO – To apply the conventions of writing to argue in order to create a written argument. Starter – What have we learned about writing to argue so far?
Sample task ‘Festivals and fairs should be banned. They encourage bad behaviour and are disruptive to local communities.’ Write a letter to your local newspaper in which you argue for or against this statement. (24 marks for content and organisation 16 marks for technical accuracy) [40 marks] Copy the task into your book and decide on the GAP of the task. How will you adapt your writing to the GAP of the task?
Planning You have 5 minutes to plan your response. You could continue to use a variation on the 5 paragraph plan we have been using: Intro (1 or 2 sentences) Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Conclusion (1 or 2 sentences)
Independent writing You have 1 hour to complete this task in silence.
Please remember your punctuation!
Plenary Swap books with your partner. Using the criteria on the following slides, decide which band you would place your partner’s response in for content, organisation and accuracy.