The Stagnant Seventies 1970-1979
Vietnam “peace with honor” Vietnamization…
Kent State
3rd Phase – Civil War 1973 Ceasefire … Paris Peace Accords Civil war rages in Vietnam The U.S. abandons its embassy in Saigon By 1975 North Vietnam defeats South Vietnam and Saigon is renamed Ho Chi Minh City
The Cost 58,000 Americans killed- 300,000 wounded 3,000,000 Vietnamese killed U.S. morale, self-confidence, trust of government destroyed War Powers Act
Detente Nixon travels to China and meets with Mao Zedong… SALT I
Election of 1972 “plumbers” Enemies List
Watergate 1972 election DNC Headquarters Bungled “Burglary” Washington Post – Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein
Nixon Tapes…. Spiro Agnew… United States vs. Nixon… Nixon steps down 1974
Gerald Ford First non-elected President… Pardons Nixon of all crimes…
Energy Crisis
Jimmy Carter Human Rights…
Chicano Movement
American Indian Movement
The Fight for Women’s Rights Betty Friedan – The Feminine Mystique National Organization for Women (NOW) Roe v. Wade… Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)…
Regents of the University of California v. Bakke
EPA… Earth Day…
Love Canal - 1978
Three Mile Island - 1979
Panama Canal Treaty
Camp David Accords
Iran Hostage Crisis Ayatollah Khomeini Teheran Embassy, 1979 Carter unable to secure their release