Back-to-School Night Washington Township High School 2018 - 2019 Mrs. Bogacki & Mrs. Lee Algebra 2B 1
Personal Background – Mrs. Bogacki Honors graduate of Rutgers University, Master of Sciences Degree in Mathematics Resident of Washington Township for 37 years Washington Township High School graduate WTHS PTO member CCC Adjunct Faculty – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Dept.
Personal Background… Mrs. Lee Washington Township resident for 30 years University of Glassboro State (currently known as Rowan University) 30 years teaching at WTHS)
Classroom Behaviors Students must come prepared everyday in order to be successful. Students are expected to complete all homework and class work, including NJ State Test, PSAT and SAT practice sets. Students are expected to actively participate, take notes, and perform practice problems during class. Students must use a pencil for ALL assignments. Students may bring a calculator to class daily, if they prefer to use their own.
Grading Policy Grades are based on the following categories Homework Quizzes Tests Lesson Packets Projects Participation and attendance is vital to the students’ success. Refer to Student Handbook See handout for WTHS grading policy, including midterm and final exams.
Responsibility for Coursework Bring notebook, notes packet, paper and pencil to class daily. Submit ALL assignments on time. (1 day late policy) All due dates are posted on Mrs. Bogacki’s Teacher Page. (Remind 101 messages may also be used for big dates and reminders). Stay up to date by checking Power School and MathXL (online HW) Refer to Student Handbook for more details.
Absent Policy Students are responsible for getting their missed assignments when absent from school. Teacher page Check with teacher upon return to class for any missed work due to absence. Have a friend in class that you can ask for help or notes if you miss class; check notes posted on teacher page. Any missed tests or quizzes must be made up according to school policy for absence from school. Students absent from class but NOT FROM SCHOOL are responsible for ALL work missed that day and due dates will apply.
Calculators… We will be using the TI-84 calculators in class. (TI-84 or TI-34 calculators are recommended for home use.) Scientific calculators are recommended for home and school use. (Please turn in any “TI Points” for Texas Instruments purchases of calculators. WTHS can get “fun” things for our school!) Calculators will enhance and support your child’s learning and success. TI-34, TI-83, TI-84, TI-Nspire are all permitted on SATs and ACTs exams. (Calculators are NOT provided for SATs or ACT!)
Communication… We can be reached at WTHS 11/12 wing at (856) 589-8500. E-mail: E-mail: Please contact us with any questions, concerns or comments you may have regarding your child that may help us ensure a successful year for your student. (Please e-mail first. ) Check Mrs. Bogacki’s Teacher Page DAILY for reminders, HW and announcements!
!!!! HELP !!!! We are almost ALWAYS after school in room F11 with Mrs. Bogacki or in room E1 with Mrs. Lee until 2:35pm. Exceptions: Monthly faculty and/or department meetings afterschool Arrangements can be made in advance if more help is needed. Have your student notify us and we will work with him/her to set-up a time. Faculty Tutoring and Peer-tutoring services are available. Contact the Guidance Office for details.
Any Questions?? If you have a question or concern that specifically deals with your child, please send us an email and we will contact you as soon as possible to discuss your concerns. Sign up for Remind101: Text: @alg2b-1819 to (856)292-9104 We will be happy to meet with you at another time and place convenient for you. Thank you!
Enjoy the rest of your evening!! Thank you for coming!! Enjoy the rest of your evening!!