Independent Reading Journal
Independent Reading Journal Each day 5 will be our class SSR day. You will be expected to bring a novel to class. If you do not have one, then you can borrow one from the class library.
Reading Time You will spend the first 45 minutes of class reading silently.
Writing Time You will spend the last 15 minutes of class writing a response to what you read today in your reading journal. You will be provided possible prompts. Your journal will be collected at the end of class for evaluation.
Reading Response Evaluation: Length (2 points) Content (4 points) Details and Ideas (3 points) Spelling and Grammar (1 point)
Evaluation Length: Content: Response should be a minimum of one third a page Content: Informative and original responses which demonstrate thought and understanding
Evaluation Details and Ideas Spelling and Grammar Uses evidence and details to support your thoughts and ideas relating to your reading Spelling and Grammar Spelling and grammar errors should not hinder understanding
Journal Entry Heading: Upper right hand corner: Title of the book and author Date Upper right hand corner: ___ Length ___ Content ___ Detail and Ideas ___ Spelling and Grammar