Biggest Presidential Scandal Ever! EVERRRRRRRRRRRRR! Watergate Biggest Presidential Scandal Ever! EVERRRRRRRRRRRRR!
Nixon Elected President in 1968 Promises to “heal” America after a difficult decade, and even more difficult year, (assassinations)
Nixon and Vietnam Believed in the “Silent Majority” supporting Vietnam. Meaning-all the protesting was anti-Vietnam, but a majority of Americans weren’t out protesting.
Nixon’s foreign policy He works to end America’s involvement in Vietnam, it was successful, but it took a really long time.
Realpolitik This means looking at politics as what it is, meaning that it can be a dirty game and sometimes you play dirty to win. He implements a policy of “détente” which means the easing of tensions, with communists, mainly China and the Soviet Union.
Nixon in China Nixon visited China in 1972, a huge move for an American President. He did this to make friends with them, and turn them against Russia. He felt that if he had China on his side, it would be easier to negotiate with the Russians.
Huge Success! People loved it, they loved that it opened up more trade between us and they loved the diplomatic, peaceful approach. Nixon is popular.
On to Moscow Another huge success! He was the first President to visit Moscow, and he and Breznev signed the SALT I Treaty, putting a 5 year halt to producing Nuclear Weapons! Nixon is popular!
The Plumbers A top secret group of Nixon aides that tried to dig up information on all of Nixon’s “enemies.”
Nixon’s enemy list….. He actually had one. It had 20 people on it. Ranging from Political Figures to Actors. Strange, right?
Election of 1972 He wins in a landslide (big victory) Won 49 of 50 states Pretty good evidence that people liked him. Maybe there’s something to having an enemies list…….
Watergate! June 17, 1972, five men are arrested at the Watergate Hotel for burglary! All 5 men had connections to the FBI and CIA. Man….again! What is it with these guys????!!!
What were they looking for?? The Democratic party had it’s headquarters at Watergate. The 5 men were looking for information that would help Nixon win his reelection.
Investigation! A HUGE investigation begins. The people investigating find out that many of Nixon’s aides had connections to this burglary. Many of them start resigning. Nixon is in trouble!
Nixon Tapes For whatever reason, Nixon had recording devices installed in the Oval Office (President’s office) The investigators want to listen to the tapes. Nixon says no! Supreme Court says…..YES!
Tapes….. He hands them over, but 18 minutes of the tape has been taped over. That’s weird……
Nixon resigns August 9, 1974. First President to do so. Was going to be impeached if he didn’t resign.
Packets eligible to be collected.. 1, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12 (today’s)