Welcome to Newton Lee Elementary Science Olympiad 2018-2019 Parent Information Session vasonle345@gmail.com
What is VASO – Division A It is a sister organization to the Virginia Science Olympiad (VASO) A friendly competition designed for 3-5 grade students to experience science This is an introduction to middle school (Division B) and high-school (Division C) Science Olympiad programs
School Team Structure A team is defined as a group of students residing within the same school attendance zone and from the same school. Teams may not be comprised of students from different schools that attend the same after school activity. A team may be any number of students up to a total of 45 students. (Teams may further break this larger team into smaller groups as they like.) Students in grades 3-5 are eligible to participate in division A. Smaller groups within a team may be mixed with some students from each grade level, or they may be based on grade level with students all coming from the same grade level. VASO write and run our own competition based on and mirroring if possible the SO competition. No National or State level.
Tournament Schedule The tournament is a one day event. The schedule assumes that there will be 25 schools registering. Schools will receive their team number after they register. Teams will be able to sign-up for a time to compete in Pentathlon and all tech events. A link to an online sign-up will be sent after registration closes in February. When signing up, please make sure not to schedule a student for more than one event at the same time. Use your team number plan your team schedule. All students and coaches will receive wrist bands. Students will need to show these bands at each event.
Science Olympiad 2016 Events: 3 Categories Building Event: Maximum Number of Participants per School: 2 students per 15 registered or portion thereof Testing Events: Maximum Number of Participants per School: 6 (3 teams of 2 students) Multiple Student Events
Sample Schedule:
Volunteer & Coach: Each school will provide 2 Event Supervisor that will write the event test, run the event, and at least 3 adults to help with the event. Schools with 20 or more students will provide 1 additional volunteer for every 5 students or portion thereof; e.g. schools with 21 students agree to provide 5 volunteers. 4 to run the event and a 5th to help where needed. Volunteers helping with an event must stay with the event supervisor until all exams have been graded. Parents may not volunteer for an event their own child. For every event we will need at-least one coach.
Volunteer Opportunities: Running an event Facilities Scoring Room Supervisor Room Meet and greet table Cleanup Setup Awards ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cordinator, Table Mom
Event Writing: Our students are 8, 9 and 10 years old. Do not write a test that will take longer than 30 minutes. (the more you assign, the more you have to grade) Have a way to break ties. Do not deviate from the rules. Make it as hands-on and fun as possible. Do not write questions that need an essay to answer unless there is no other way to find out what students know.
NLE Registration Link for Form is on School Website. First come First Serve. Fees is due at the time of registration. No Refunds. School Registration End Date: 5th September 2018. Make checks payable to Newton Lee Elementary. PTO membership is encouraged. Please mention your preference in the form, no changes will be made once teams are formed. 1.Specific Team member request, both needs to have each other name. 2. Boys only, girls only partner request (Will try, depends on # of applicants)
Fees With PTO membership: $35* What it covers???? Registration Fees, Certificates, T- shirt, Test Materials & Supplies
2018-2019 TIMELINE: August 11, 2018: School registration opens August 15, 2018: Event rules released September 10, 2018: Teams Assignments Notification. September 12,2018: Student Parent registration opens September 15, 2018: Signup Genius for Competition Day. September 22,2018- Event Supervisor Meeting(Mandatory) October 1st, 2018 : School registration closes October 1st, 2018: Student/Parent Registration closes October 13, 2018: Rachel Carson Middle School
2018 EVENTS 30 minute Events 1.Anatomy – Cardiovascular Systems 2. Fossils – Paleozoic Record 3.Dynamic Planet – Glaciers 4. Kinematics 4.Orienteering 5. Science Bowl 6.Astronomy –Comets 7. Atoms–Halogens/Alkaline 8. Ecology – Chesapeake Bay 9. Logical Thinking 10. Paper Rockets 11.Picture This* 12.Pentathlon* 13. Describe It, Build It 14. Rube Goldberg – Roller Coaster (teams of 3) 60 minute Events 1. Engineering Enigma - Catapult 2. Boomilever 3. Balloon Car 4. Wind Power 5. Straw Egg Drop* 6.Gunk – Geo Shapes