Welcome ASL 1! Written Doorbuster- please copy the grid below (you may draw the yellow lines or not, your choice), then fill in the blanks by describing each of the 5 parameters for the signs below (see example a.): Note: it is okay to describe each in your own words handshape palm orientation movement location non-manual signals a.HELLO “B” down out forehead (none) b.FINISH c.HAPPY d.LAZY e.TIRED f.HOW
ASL 1- doorbuster answers Written Doorbuster- please copy the grid below (you may draw the yellow lines or not, your choice), then fill in the blanks by describing each of the 5 parameters for the signs below (see example a.): Note: it is okay to describe each in your own words handshape palm orientation movement location non-manual signals a.HELLO B down out forehead (none) b.FINISH 5 L/R towards each other wrist twist down front of body (none) c.HAPPY closed-5 towards body circle up chest (emotional) d.LAZY L towards chest repeat tap chest left chest (emotional) e.TIRED bent towards chest down fingertips touch chest (emotional) f.HOW curved-bent towards chest up-out front of body (eyebrows down if a question)
Welcome ASL 1! Today: Written Doorbuster Policies and Procedures completed (grades this afternoon) Ticket Out: Remind101 by text or email
Welcome ASL 2! Written Doorbuster- please copy the grid below (you may draw the yellow lines or not, your choice), then fill in the blanks by describing each of the 5 parameters for the signs below (see example a.): Note: it is okay to describe each in your own words handshape palm orientation movement location non-manual signals a.HELLO “B” down out forehead (none) b.SCHOOL c.HAPPY d.LAZY e.TIRED f.NOT-YET
ASL 2- doorbuster answers Written Doorbuster- please copy the grid below (you may draw the yellow lines or not, your choice), then fill in the blanks by describing each of the 5 parameters for the signs below (see example a.): Note: it is okay to describe each in your own words handshape palm orientation movement location non-manual signals a.HELLO B down out forehead (none) b.SCHOOLclosed- 5 up/down to each other to each other front of body (none) c.HAPPY closed-5 towards body circle up chest (emotional) d.LAZY L towards chest repeat tap chest left chest (emotional) e.TIRED bent towards chest down fingertips touch chest (emotional) f.NOT-YET closed-5 towards body forward/back right of body (tongue out)
Today: 1. Written Doorbuster 2. Policies & Procedures completed 3 Today: 1. Written Doorbuster 2. Policies & Procedures completed 3. Email information for contacts 4. Test information: Procedures test on Wednesday; grades this afternoon 5. Ticket Out: Remind 101 by Email
Welcome ASL 3! 1. Doorbuster: Ask someone two questions and answer at least two questions. (ideas: did you go to Friday’s game?, what did you do this weekend?, are you/your parents going tonight to meet the teacher night?, what do you like to do for fun?, etc.) 2. View signing charts you completed for ASL 1 & 2 vocabulary, and select review lists 3. Fast Jeopardy game in ASL- grammar culture review for tomorrow- test tomorrow! (unless you need Wednesday?) 4. Ticket Out: policies/procedures: doorbuster credit