Speed, Velocity, Acceleration Newton’s Laws of Force and 2nd 9 weeks Word Comic 33 Force and Motion 34 Speed, Velocity, Acceleration Foldable 35 Speed, Velocity, Acceleration 36 Newton’s Laws Mini Project 37 Newton’s Laws of Force and Motion 38 Distance/Time Graphs Practice 39 Motion Graphs 40 Test Redo 41 6 weeks Test 42 Test Redo 43 9 weeks Test 44
One vocabulary words per comic Motion Kinetic energy Potential energy Force Using the 4 words to create a cartoon or comic story and illustrate, COLOR your story One vocabulary words per comic Reflection pg. 33
Reflection pg. 35
Reflection pg. 35 What is Speed? Draw Illustration Formula: What is Velocity? Formula: Draw Illustration What is Acceleration? Formula: Formula:
Write the Law and it’s explanation Draw and color a picture that best represents the law and a justification 3-5 sentences in length
Reflection pg.39 Graphs should include color