A Peek At What We Are Learning November News What’s Happening This Month: A Note from Mrs. Perez: Parent/Teacher conferences are on Tuesday, November 6. I’m looking forward to meeting with all of you! Please continue to encourage your child to read every night and log books onto their 40-book challenge logs. As always, if you have any questions, or concerns, you may reach me at perezda@staffordschools.net Thank you for your continued support! 11/5 End of 1st Quarter and D.A.R.E. Pizza Night at Sam’s Pizza (Courthouse Road location ONLY) 5:00 – 7:00 PM 11/6 Election Day - No school for students (Parent/Teacher conferences) 11/12 No school Veteran’s Day 11/16 Report cards go home 11/21 – 11/23 Thanksgiving Break Every Friday is Spirit Day at Hampton Oaks! Please encourage your child to wear school colors or Hampton Oaks shirts to show their school pride! Every Wednesday is D.A.R.E.. Please remind your child to wear his/her D.A.R.E. shirt to school on Wednesdays! A Peek At What We Are Learning Reading Students will continue to work to find the main idea of text in both fiction and nonfiction selections. We will begin Cause and Effect after completion of Main Idea and Supporting Details. Please encourage your child to read 20 minutes per night. Writing Students will continue working on the steps of the Writing Process through writing prompts. Math Students will continue exploring fractions. We will be working on fraction and decimal correspondence, simplifying fractions, comparing and ordering fractions and decimals, as well as adding and subtracting fractions through multi-step problem solving. Science Students will continue to learn about energy. Light energy will begin after a review of electricity. Please encourage students to study refrigerator cards and interactive journals nightly. Social Studies Students will learn how Native Americans used the different resources in their environment to meet their basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter. Birthdays Paola 11/6 Emilie 11/20 Mrs. Perez 11/26