Develop Understanding of fractions as numbers 3.NF.1 - Understand a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is partitioned into b equal parts; understand a fraction a/b as the quantity formed by a parts of size 1/b.
What is a number that fits between 0 and 1
My friend has a piece of cake… There are a total of 6 pieces in the cake. How much of the cake does my friend have?
Which do you want? ½ of a cookie Or 2/3 of a cookie Explain why? Is there a situation where ½ is bigger than 2/3 If the student wants more cookie they would choose 2/3. Students can see the difference in numerators and denominators. Draw a picture if it helps the students. Pose the question when would you want ½ instead of 2/3. if the size of the cookie’s were different. For example, ½ of a big cookie would be more than 2/3 of a small cookie
Represent the following Fractions on a number line 3/5 3/6 ¾ 1/3 ½ 2 1 3
Identify the point on the numebrline I_____I_____I_____I 0 1 I_____I_____I_____I_____I_____I_____I 0 1 I_____I_____I_____I_____I 0 1 Notice the points look to be in the same “spot” however, they represent different fractions
If I had 1/8 of a pizza, how many slices is the pizza cut into?
Draw a picture of 5/1
Create a story problem with the two pictures below Students could work with a partner. A sample story could be – a gardener had two plots of land. The first plot has 1/3 planted with tomatoes and the second plot has 2/3 planted with corn
Is 4/3 a number? Explain how you know. Draw a picture Challenge Problem Explain how you know. Draw a picture