Planet Earth
Relationship with Land: Three Choices The Land is Sacred. Period. Resources are not exhausted as it’s a moral sin to dig up Mother Earth The Land is a shared resource requires cooperation and wise resource management and distribution The Land is a soulless machine that can be owned and sold.
Key Ideas Mapped into Culture We are special (different than other animals) We are uniquely positioned at the center of the Universe (reflects our “specialness”) The Universe is ordered, logical and rational With the application of Reason, humankind is unbounded Survival of the Fittest
The Bias of GB You can build a global society with priority on the basic E principle of personal property (arguably we have) You can build a global society with priority on the E concept that All Mean Are Created Equal (this is my preference) You can not do both (but you can pretend that you have)
Be Optimistic Collective Humanity is currently in an adolescent state. Adolescents don’t pay attention, are immature, and haven’t fully developed their cognitive skills We can (and will) move beyond this phase eventually to cultivate more wisdom and less reaction in our future affairs as we are still building the global society on E values
Choice Pathways Social/Culture structure based on a belief system that is then projected on to the natural world to support that belief (little e driven) A structure based on scientific methodology to enable, on a planet wide scale, the enlightenment motto that all men are created equal (Big E)