Notes for IPT to track training of SA workforce DoD Handbook for the Training and Development of the SA Workforce. Training certified for 4 conditions (see attachment 2) Training certified for MFT member (5 CLMs) (No Levels) FSM Level I, II and III Need to revise Attachment 2 as it's not clear that the FSM needs to take the training required of all MFT members to get a level I. CHECK w/IPT Given--anyone who meets training requirements will receive a certificate (i.e. not just those with the S-services code). Given--The training certificate does not depend on any experience level--you meet the training requirements, you will get a training certificate. Training certificates would be issued to Multi-Functional Team and Functional Services Managers (FSMs) who complete the recommended training curriculum based on the most current version of the Department of Defense (DoD) Handbook for the Training and Development of the Services Acquisition Workforce (TAB A) or amending memorandum. It will be issued to individuals regardless of how they are coded in their agency’s career management system. Training certificates are not to be confused with “Certificates” as defined by DoD Instruction 5000.66, Defense Acquisition Workforce Education, Training, Experience, and Career Development Program, and which are only provided to acquisition career fields as individuals complete various levels of professional competency based on education, training, and experience standards.
Notes for IPT to track training of SA workforce (continued) Grandfathering. Decide whether or not to grandfather personnel who have taken predecessor courses. Once we go live, "Snap the Line", if you didn't get a grandfathered level II because you didn't have ACQ255 (but you did have the predecessor course for CON 121) you have to take both CON121 and ACQ255 to get that Level II (after the line snapped). That's what I would recommend. Alternative is that you don't get that level unless you take the course specified (even if you had the predecessor course and a Level III CON Certificate) (i.e. no grandfathering). there are only about 1500 ACQ165 grads, and <300 ACQ255 grads. Grandfathering applicable at level I for those 1500 ACQ165 grads and at level II, ~300 ACQ 255 grads Don't make Level III available initially if you want to force all through ACQ30X (expected in FY20). Need to decide if you can just jump to a Level II or III. For example, you may lack a level I course such as ACQ165, but have everything for Level III through predecessor courses (for CON 124 and 127). DAU can grandfather a person as Level III trained. Otherwise to get that level III one must take ACQ165 AND CON121, 124, 127 (35 hours on-line!) despite having a CON level III certificate. Since currently only CON 124 and 127 are needed for Level III, and ACQ30x isn’t available until FY20, I do not recommend this. However, this is what International did. Best practice is to implement at the start of a new Fiscal Year (Cut off 31 SEP for grandfathering). This is more important when we add requirements for a career field certification. It give the workforce warning and impetus to try to get their next certification level. Best practice is to implement at the start of a new Fiscal Year (Cut off 30 SEP for grandfathering).
Example certificate for international Date when training completed.