Bell Ringer 10-26-17 Read the quotes of former presidents on page 391. What is the common message from these quotes?
The roles of the President
Lesson Frame We will- Analyze the roles a President must assume to be an effective President I will- Infer what actions are associated with each presidential role
Commander of the Armed Forces Army, Navy, Air Force Commander in Chief Commander of the Armed Forces Army, Navy, Air Force
VS Ceremonial Head of State A symbol of all the people of the nation Good role model Chief of State VS
Chief Guardian of the Economy U.S. economy is Free Enterprise “American Dream” Little government control President does not control economy, but makes sure it runs smoothly Chief Guardian of the Economy
Chief Executive (Administrator) Executive Power- how laws are enforced Director of Executive Branch “The Boss” Cabinet- Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security Bureaucracy- decisions made by top official carried out by lower departments Secretary of State = Manager of State Chief Executive (Administrator) Sec. of Defense James “Mad Dog” Mattis Sec. of State Rex Tillerson
Creates foreign policy Chief Diplomat Creates foreign policy How the U.S. will interact with other countries Example of foreign policy __________________ __________________
If the legislative branch (Congress) makes the laws, what does the president do?
Can sign and veto bills Interaction with Congress! Sets congressional agenda Can sign and veto bills Insists, suggests, requests, and demands that Congress act!!!! Push for major legislation through party members Bipartisan legislation Chief Legislator
Leader of political party Most likely candidate for next election Chief of Party
Exit Ticket 10-26-17 Which of the president’s roles do you believe is most important? What duty is associated with it?