Welcome to our Primary 6 Newsletter Session 2018 - 2019 Welcome to Primary 6. Your teachers this year are Mrs Dunlop (P6a) and Miss Pieczara (P6b). P.E days are Monday and Wednesday’s for both classes. P.E Kit is required on those days. Mrs Dunlop Miss Pieczara In line with Curriculum for Excellence, the focus in the curriculum will be skills development. Our context for learning in Social Studies will be Mary Queen of Scots, Spain and Democracy in Action. P6 will attend the On-X sports centre in Linwood for two 1 hour swimming lessons on 23rd and 30th October Our year planner which gives an overview of our year programme is attached (please note that this is subject to change). Homework will be set for maths, spelling and research. Generally homework for the week will be set on a Monday and can be handed in on any day of the week, as long as it is completed by Friday. Reading will be set from a given school text in some terms and should be prepared at home on a weekly basis. In addition Children are expected to be reading novels from the ‘Accelerated Reading’ programme every night. On occasions unfinished class work may be sent home for completion. Children should be encouraged to consult their homework diaries on a daily basis to keep up with school events. It would be helpful if parents could sign completed homework. Children should bring sharp pencils, a ruler, a rubber and a sharpener to school every day and ensure that all belongings have their name on them. Finally, if you are concerned about any aspect of your child’s work in P6, then please contact us via the school office to arrange an appointment. Mrs Dunlop and Miss Pieczara