Introduction State your research question, problem leading to the study and purpose for the study. Identify the research approach, participants and research location. The introduction should give a clear idea of reason, method and significance for intended audience of the report.
Background to the Problem Give a brief history of the problem. Describe participants, research site/location, and subject matter. Use established sources, previous studies and support with statistics where possible.
Methodology Describe the method of selection of participants (sampling) and research setting. State the method of gathering data---face-to-face structured/unstructured interviews, questionnaires, focus group discussion, participant observation, document analysis. Explain rationale for chosen methods.
Ethical Considerations Explain steps taken, prior to the research, to inform participants of data collection activities and the proposed use of findings. Describe steps taken to respect the rights of participants, get their consent, gain permission for the research site and ensure confidentiality of participants' information.
Results Present findings in a visually appealing manner at a level that your audience can readily understand. Use tables, graphs and charts if necessary. Do not include interpretations in this section.
Data Analysis Interpret data presented. Describe data analysis process. Use graphs and charts as necessary. Support important interpretations with evidence and diverse quotes if applicable.
Discussion Write a descriptive narrative around interpretations and research question(s). Use illustrations such as quotes from participants and analytic evidence to support arguments. Use literature review of past studies and relevant theory to compare if necessary. Pose new questions if data suggests unforeseen results.
Conclusions and Implications State main conclusions in relation to research question(s) and purpose of the study. Include how results relate to theoretical perspectives. Add main discussion points and questions for future research.
Works Cited Write a works cited list using appropriate style such as the MLA style. Include all citations. Be accurate and precise. A reader must be able to locate your sources.