Talk in 4 parts Basic principles of the Semantic Web Current state & results of the Semantic Web New challenges of the Semantic Web Very large-scale reasoning
Semantic Web Intro in 6 slides & a movie Frank van Harmelen
The Current Web of text and pictures The Future Web of Data and another web page about Frank This page is about the Vrije Uniersitei a web page in English about Frank And this page is about LarKC And this page is about Stefano ? ? ? linked web-pages, written by people, written for people, used only by people... ? ? linked data, usable by computers! useful for people! Many of these pages already come from data, that is usable by computers! But we can’t link the data....
P1. Give all things a name
P2. Relations form a graph between things
P3. The names are addresses on the Web [<x> IsOfType <T>] x different owners & locations T <analgesic>
P1+P2+P3 = Giant Global Graph
P4. explicit & formal semantics assign types to things assign types to relations organise types in a hierarchy empose constraints on possible interpretations
Examples of “semantics” married-to Frank Lynda married-to Hazel Frank is male married-to relates males to females married-to relates 1 male to 1 female Lynda = Hazel lowerbound upperbound Semantics = predictable inference