The language of love: then and now Vitale Elisa CL. 4^A
Contents: Why do people express their love? What is the language of love? The language of love: the Renaissance The language of love and the language of poetry The language of love: today Conclusion
Why do people express their love? Love is a strong emotion that makes someone feel a strong desire to be closer to the person he/she loves and to know about the person's feelings. The only way to do it is to express one’s feelings: it is a risk because the person may not feel the same way and this is why expressing feelings is difficult.
What is the language of love? The language of love concerns the way someone communicates his / her feelings towards another person. Why does it implies intimacy? It implies intimacy because it regards the feelings of the person who loves but also of the person who is loved.
The language of love: the Renaissance Only men were allowed to court a woman and not vice versa: therefore the language of love was used by men. The language of love regarded: written language: letters, messages, etc. spoken language: courting The language of love was closer to the language of poetry than to everyday’s language: why?
The language of love and poetry The language of poetry uses: figurative language: figures of speech (metaphor, simile, alliteration, etc.) are used to convey the interlocutor a message without really saying it; high language, which elevates the content; For this reason the language of poetry is particularly suitable to express feelings.
The language of love: today The language of love is used by everybody (not only men). Technology offers people new ways to communicate: the language of love changed and it does not only concern written and spoken language.
The language of love: today Written language (sms, chat, …) it gives more time to think about what to say. Body language (use of voice, gesture, etc.) Physical contact it is more used than spoken language because it is easier. intimacy
The language of love: today Music love can be expressed not only through lyrics but also by a proper use of sounds Colors red purple pink Symbols hearts flowers
Conclusion: reflection The language of love is related to communication between people. Communication changes from age to age for different reasons (for example the development of technology, which nowadays is an important factor ) The language of love is a dynamic language and it shows different features for each age.