B of the…..
“I don’t merely start on the BANG of the starting pistol, but at the B of the Bang”
Rationale Develop instant engagement, challenge and motivation Set the tone (purposeful) Create an expectation that all pupils will participate from the start Launch learning and avoid derailment by administrative tasks Make latecomers feel uncomfortable!
Issues Room changes Access to room prior to lesson Late arrivers Organisation
Which Board gives you the best chance of picking a quadrilateral?
The colour of your worksheet indicates your first station….. Carousel The colour of your worksheet indicates your first station….. Blue – Neil Peach – Phil Pink – Sally Orange – Lynn Green – Marie Yellow – Kerrie White – Haley Grey – Mel
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Whizzy Loop
Discuss the activities you have trialled. Carousel Discuss the activities you have trialled. What sort of activities do you already use on entry to the room? Could you use any ideas seen today? Could you create a whizzy loop or bank of ideas for the dept.? How often can you start your lesson with a BANG?
Thank you to the Lead Practitioners: Marie Imrie + Mel Edwards – Science Haley Hartley – English Kerrie Moorhouse – MFL Phil Noble – Maths Lyn Burges - Humanities