2016-17 Smarter Balanced Assessments Required for DTCs, STCs, and Smarter Balanced TAs
Topics Scheduling Administration Key Elements Resources
Scheduling Ensure students have sufficient time to complete both parts of each assessment
Scheduling Schedule The CAT and the PT sections of the test should be given on separate days; finish one before starting the other. It is recommended, but not required, that the CAT (or non-performance task items) be administered first. ELA Performance Tasks may be given over multiple sessions; Math is recommended to be completed in one session. Neither portion of the test is timed; students should be allowed to continue working as long as they are making progress. (TAM: 7.1 Components of the Smarter Balanced Assessments)
Smarter Balanced Summative Components Scheduling Smarter Balanced Summative Components CAT Test (Computer Adaptive Test) Item Types: Selected Response (Multiple Choice) Technology-Enhanced/Enabled Items Short Constructed Response Performance Task Two-day event in ELA; recommended single-day in Mathematics ELA will access multiple resources Short answer questions provide scaffolding (TAM: 7.1 Components of the Smarter Balanced Assessments)
Smarter Balanced Assessments Scheduling Smarter Balanced Assessments SB Retest Opportunity for Grade 12 this year Only one opportunity in each content area Each test opportunity is subject to a 45-day expiration period from the start date. Each PT test opportunity is subject to a 20-day expiration period from the start date. (TAM: 5.1 Testing Time and Recommended Order of Administration)
Equitable access for all students Administration Equitable access for all students
Administering Smarter Balanced Administration Administering Smarter Balanced Directions full text/simplified Correct test Non-embedded supports (dictionary) (TAM: 5.1 Testing Time and Recommended Order of Administration; OAM: Table 2.1: SB Embedded Universal Tools)
Administration Scratch Paper Scratch paper is a non-embedded universal tool available to all students. Scratch paper must be collected and securely shredded at the end of each test session. Scratch paper used for notes on the CAT constructed response items or PTs can be retained and securely stored between test sessions. (TAM: 5.1 Testing Time and Recommended Order of Administration; OAM: Table 2.2: SB Non-embedded Universal Tools)
Pause Rules Administration Tests can be paused at any time; students get a warning message to verify they want to pause. If a CAT test is paused less than 20 minutes, students may review questions already answered. If a CAT test is paused more than 20 minutes, students may not review or change questions already answered. When resuming after a pause, the student sees the first page that has unanswered questions. If a test is idle for over 20 minutes, the system will automatically pause the test and log the student out. There are no pause limits for the performance task portion of Smarter Balanced tests. (TAM: 6.4 Pause Rules and Test Expirations; OAM: Table 2.1: SB Embedded Universal Tools)
Knowing the different resources across assessments Key Elements Knowing the different resources across assessments
Key Elements for ELA Key Elements Smarter Balanced combines four elements of English language arts into one test: Reading, Writing, Listening, and Research; there will be an overall score for ELA and sub-scores for each of those four elements. Listening items will require each student to have headphones. Resources formerly available during the test may no longer be (e.g., spelling lists, graphic organizers, scoring guides); check the Oregon Accessibility Manual for specific allowable supports. http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=487 Students at ALL tested grades will be doing a Performance Task which will require them to write an essay.
Key Elements ELA Paginated Items
Calculator for Math Grade 6 Key Elements Calculator for Math Grade 6 Legacy Standard Calculator Desmos Standard Calculator
Calculators for Math Grades 7 & 8 Key Elements Calculators for Math Grades 7 & 8 Legacy Scientific Calculator Desmos Scientific Calculator
Calculator for Math Grade 11 Key Elements Calculator for Math Grade 11 Legacy Graphing Calculator Desmos Graphing Calculator
Adequately prepare both teachers and students Resources Adequately prepare both teachers and students
Smarter Balanced Practice Resources Smarter Balanced Practice Training Test Organized by grade band 3-5, 6-8, and high school 14-15 questions includes all item types Includes all embedded universal tools, designated supports, accommodations, and language supports Practice Test Organized by grade Approximately 30 items of varying difficulty Includes a Performance task (OAKS Portal: http://oaksportal.org/)
Training Tests vs. Practice Tests Resources Training Tests vs. Practice Tests Use the training test if You want to familiarize students how to navigate the test and learn how to complete the different item types Your intent is NOT to look at grade level content or items at the appropriate level of difficulty. Use the practice test if You want students to see grade level items and practice responses to them. You want students to experience items across all claim areas. You want students to have practice on the Performance Task.
Smarter Balanced Test Documents Resources Smarter Balanced Test Documents Test Blueprints Number of items Score points (weighting) Depth of knowledge Content Specifications List of all Assessment Targets Identify which CCSS each Target assesses Item Specifications Broken out by grade level, Claim, and Target Contains Task Models Appropriate Stems http://www.smarterbalanced.org/smarter-balanced-assessments/
Q&A Discussion What are the local considerations and challenges around scheduling the Smarter Balanced Assessments within your school or district? What are some effective approaches you could use to address these challenges? What resources or strategies do you plan to use to prepare for administering the Smarter Balanced Assessments?
Online Resources OAKS Portal (Practice & Training Test) http://www.oaksportal.org Test Specifications and Blueprints http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=496