Advocacy Issues 1) Teachers have not been trained on the curriculum but in the press says that new curriculum is now being used. SSL's have been trained but has not been cascaded at present. Training for teachers on CBC needs to be interactive and model the competency based approach, CBC training witnessed so far has been lecture style. Teacher need to see real examples, not just written examples. Same for all training, smaller groups would allow for more interactive approach. 2) Hard copies of the curriculum have not been distributed to schools. Some schools struggling to even get a soft copy, awareness of new curriculum on REB website seems to be limited 3) Education budget, concerns about reduced budget allocation.
Advocacy Issues… 4) No salary for pre-primary teachers, this is a concern as the 500 pre-primary teachers who have just graduated from College of Education have all gone to teacher in private sector. 5) If there is a possibility to review new teacher training CBC materials then that would be welcome (have the final version been shared?) 6) Upcoming DFID and USAID programmes both focus on functional literacy and SCOPE programme has already started which also has literacy focus. Concern to ensure that all programmes complement each other and work together.