“You can’t revise for English.” Lizzi Fox Lead Practitioner
Striking the right balance... Nagging Encouraging
See your GCSEs as a guide to where your strengths lie. A word from me... See your GCSEs as a guide to where your strengths lie.
There are two separate GCSEs here... English Literature Paper 1: Macbeth and An Inspector Calls Paper 2: Great Expectations, Conflict poetry and unseen poetry English Language Paper 1: Fiction and Imaginative writing Paper 2: Non-fiction and Transactional writing
English revision looks different!
Little and often
Revision Teams
But what else (Language)? Read (5/10 minutes per day) Read the newspaper/a news app Learn some high level vocabulary (10 positive and 10 negative words) Practise planning exam answers Practise writing exam answers (aim for TIMED conditions) Practise proofreading Ensure you know WHAT is being assessed in your answer to each question (A0s) Write one creative sentence per day Learn the sentence starters Invest in a word-a-day or word-a-week app
But what else (Literature)? Re-read your Literature texts Listen to audio versions Watch film adaptations Buy and use the York Notes revision guides Plan out answers Write answers (aim for TIMED conditions) Learn your terminology Learn quotations Mind-map themes Mind-map characters
Breakdown of each exam. Revision tips and tasks for each individual component of each individual exam. Advice on how to re-read texts. Specific requirements for each question. Sample exam papers. Advice on which revision guides to get. Advice for parents.
To the supporters… Talk to us Allow your house to be taken over… Praise them Treat them Love them Encourage them Feed them Listen to them Talk to them Time them Quiz them Test them Talk to us Allow your house to be taken over…
You know your child better than anyone else does. Most importantly You know your child better than anyone else does.
’t You can revise for English l.fox@stokesleyschool.org