Career and language skills Communicate??? Why???
Happy Monday Do now: In What year was the Printing Press invented? What were 3 effects the printing press had human society?
Agenda Objective: SWBAT: to evaluate and discuss the importance of written and verbal communication. Opening: Greeting, Review, Finish Notes Worktime: Intro Cover Letter Assignment, look at examples of good cover letters. Closing: Review
The Printing Press was invented in 1440.
Why was the Printing Press important??? So ??? Why was the Printing Press important???
Before the printing press Witten communication was time-consuming and costly Books written by hand Paper was scarce and expensive
Printing Press Made it easier and cheaper to create printed communications Information was allowed to spread more easily People were able to think for themselves as they read more for themselves.
Take a few moments What would your life, or life in general be, without books. Think about: School Family Entertainment Politics Any other avenue of life that would be greatly influenced if the printing press wasn’t around.
Reading Allows people to learn from people other than just those he or she speaks with Name 1 career that does not involve reading?
Types of reading Passive Reading: When a person is only taking in information or following a plot Critical Reading: When a person is actively engaging in the subject material Determine a reading strategy Stop and think about what you’re reading Try to put the text in your own words Take notes if necessary
Writing Can’t do critical reading without writing Writing gets better with practice Accept constructive criticism on your writing All Jobs involve writing!!!
In the next few days, we will begin the writing of a Cover Letter.
Verbal communication How do you do it right?
Verbal keys Be clear! Be Personal! Be Positive! Failure to make eye contact could be interpreted as you being rude. Be Personal! Understand who you are communicating with, and use “I” statements to take responsibility for your words. Be Positive! Say what you want, not what you don’t want! “You get more with honey than with vinegar”
Verbal keys Get to the point! Actively listen! Don’t go off topic. This helps eliminate miscommunication. Actively listen! Think before you respond!