Groundwater monitoring within the WFD Detailed in Annex V.2 of WFD (quantitative and chemical status) – Refs. to Articles 7 and 8 Groundwater level monitoring network Representative monitoring points Monitoring frequency Monitoring of groundwater chemical status Surveillance, operational, investigative monitoring Frequency Additional monitoring (e.g. protected areas, trends)
Programme of measures – Linked to monitoring Measures designed to protect waters, control abstraction, control point source discharges liable to cause pollution (permit, investigation), prevent and control diffuse sources of pollution (prohibition, permit: based on investigations) Periodic reviews of authorisations / registrations based on regular monitoring Provisions for derogations
Environmental issues related to groundwater Risks of pollution from diffuse/point sources (incl. landfills, wastes, contaminated soils, agriculture) Quality standards / thresholds? Interactions with aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems? Links with SW status and EQS Prevent / Limit Run-off Construction Products, Urban wastes Drinking water abstraction Trend identification and reversal • • • • • • Time
Legislative framework Seveso, IPPC Env. Impact assessment Birds, Habitats Drinking water Sewage sludge landfill UWW, CPD groundwater Pesticides, Nitrates, biocides Bathing water WFD Groundwater monitoring requested under the Nitrates and Pesticides Directives, and related to permit procedures (e.g. groundwater, landfill, IPPC)
Further needs Avoiding duplication: Studies of the different monitoring regimes for designing a comprehensive monitoring programme Developing a groundwater-specific guidance document within a WG 2C ad hoc drafting group (2005) Examining QA/QC issues: through on-going RTD activities (e.g. SWIFT project and future initiatives) Co-ordination of activities with other CIS Working Groups, in particular case studies linked to PRB work unilateral