L.E.Q: What are the common myths and realities of parenthood?
All parenting skills are instinctive. Reality: No one is born with parenting instincts. All parents make mistakes. Every parent will have to learn some things in order to be more effective at parenting. Prior experience and training with children allows some parents to be effective at parenting early on. People who are nurturing, dedicated, flexible, and observant in general may allow the parent to quickly recognize their child’s needs. Many parenting skills must be learned through gaining knowledge and experience. Myth #1 All parenting skills are instinctive. What are some Negative Consequences of this myth?
A mature adult can be a perfect parent. Reality: There is no such thing as a perfect parent. Humans make mistakes. Parenting involves imperfect children. Parents need to strive to be competent, effective parents by setting realistic goals for themselves and through parent education. Parents need to apologize for mistakes. Myth #2 A mature adult can be a perfect parent. Negative Consequences: Trying to be a “perfect parent” can lead to feeling like a failure develop a lack of confidence lead to more mistakes and missing out on the joys of parenting.
Good parenting guarantees “good” children. Reality: There are no guarantees in parenting. Children’s behavior and personality is not formed or influenced by just parents. Effective parenting highly increases the chance of having children grow to be responsible adults and leads to positive relationships with parents and their adult children. Myth #3 Good parenting guarantees “good” children. What other influences effect the development of a child’s behavior and personality?
Parenting is always fun. Reality: Parenting can be fun, sad, exciting, boring, satisfying, and frustrating. Not all parenting responsibilities are easy or fun. Parenting is influenced by a person’s attitude toward parenting. Myth #4 Parenting is always fun. What parenting responsibilities may make parenting frustrating? What parts of parenting can be fun?
Children are always cute and sweet. Myth #5 Reality: Babies cry, scream, and squirm. Babies get sick, make messes, and can be noisy. Toddlers can be stubborn. Older kids can argue. Cuddly babies grow up. Children are always cute and sweet.
There are many more parenting myths out there There are many more parenting myths out there. Use this time to research additional myths. You may write down some you have heard before or Google “parenting myths”. Please choose three that we have not discussed and explain the realities for each one you choose. Reflection: