Revitalization: What to do When a Church Says No Presenter: Dr. Jim Grant
Revitalization Requires Congregational /Church by-in Options: Yes and mean No No and Mean No Yes and Mean Yes Dr. Jim Grant
Who is saying No and Why? Possibilities: Pastor must be a risk taker, able to make a tough decisions Staff – Must staff for future, not present Power Brokers – emotions, power base losses Older People- congregation tired, “unmovable” Lay Leaders- fear of change Dr. Jim Grant
Change Brings Opposition Find the Source of Opposition 1.No may not mean to revitalization, but to the plan/approach 2. Answer the questions before they become a questions 3. Find the barriers
Revitalization Team 1. Careful Selection of people 2. Communication Lines 3. Creating By-In 4. Church Task not Staff Task 5. Clear idea of what is being asked 6. Assessment of the Church Health Spiritual Resources 2/22/2019
Handling Opposition Use Health Assessment [Transformational Church] Perform SWOT of Ministries Perform Community Demographics analysis Create Vision for a Future Get the “Elephants” on the Table 2/22/2019
No means No Pastor may have to leave Door closed, don’t bust it down Some Churches will just die Count the Cost 2/22/2019