ANNEX: TIMETABLE (1)) Updated 7.09.05 DATES TRANSCRIPTION OF GIG TIMETABLE (OPTION 1) PROPOSED BY JRC/SteeringGROUP REVISED AND SPECIFIED TIMETABLE (OPTION 1) AS EXPECTED BY THE LM-GIG COORDINATOR L-M GIG MEETINGS WG A Oct/04- Jan/05 Development of boundary setting (b.s) procedure Agreement on data needs Agreement on principles of reference conditions (r.c) setting (e.g., by comparing national type-specific values) Final agreement on data needs, sampling and analytical methods Agreement on principles of r.c. setting (e.g., by trying the spatial approach) Continue suggesting b.s. procedure If necessary, arrange intercalibration test for lab methods. If convenient, arrange supporting monitoring by satellite remote sensing 16 Dec/04 ----- Feb/05- March/05 M3 GIG Report On: B.s. procedure (incl. r.c.) Data requirements GIG Report on: [Progress about b.s. procedure.] Procedure on r.c. setting not decided, but r.c. sites are included Data requirements and summer sampling plans ---- March/05 Agreement on [b.s. procedure and] data requirement March/05- Aug/05 Collate data sets to apply b.s. procedure Apply b.s. procedures (inc. r.f.) Identify benchmarking sites. Collect field data on the IC sites by applying agreed sampling and lab methods [If previously agreed] Collect field data from reference sites as agreed by some countries [If agreed], supplement data collection by satellite remote sensing as agreed with some countries [If necessary, perform intercalibration test for lab methods] [Development of b.s. procedure] b.s. pending on summer sampling [To be decided] ----
TIMETABLE (2)) Updated 7.09.05 Sept/05-Oct/05 M4 GIG Report on: DATES TRANSCRIPTION OF GIG TIMETABLE (OPTION 1) PROPOSED BY JRC/SteeringGroup REVISED AND SPECIFIED TIMETABLE (OPTION 1) AS EXPECTED BY THE LM-GIG COORDINATOR LM-GIG MEETINGS WG A Sept/05-Oct/05 M4 GIG Report on: Ongoing application of b.s. procedure (including r.f.) Identification of benchmarking sites Sept/05 Collate date sets for [applying] b.s. [procedure] [Apply] complete r.c. setting procedure Identify IC benchmarking sites [by trying application of b.s. procedure] after analysis of summer sampling data Oct/05 GIG Report on the above issues Identify incon-sistencies Oct/05 -Jan/06 Continue developing and reviewing the b.s. procedure Same as proposed by JRC/ Steering Group ---- -- Jan/06-Feb 06 M5 GIG Report on Ongoing application of b.s.procedure Identification of GiG inconsistencies Same as proposed by JRC/ Steering Group Jan/06 Feb/06 Resolve incon-sistencies when possible March 06- Jun 06 MG GIG Report on EQR Benchmarking IC sites identification Same as proposed by JRC/ Steering Group May/06 June 06 Report on EQR values