1. Take out a piece of notebook paper for Do Now Merlin Nia’Milika Kiara Terrence Tyrik Toreal Leonard Zyriah Odaisha Leroyal Jourdan Da’janae M. Da’janae R. Kevin Renee Chevonne Romad Anthony Garyell Thuy Shaheem Jada Arell Kailand Marcus Jeremie Jaelan Kiffy Braxton Crystell Directions: 1. Take out a piece of notebook paper for Do Now
1. Are the effects of the BP Oil Spill essentially over 1. Are the effects of the BP Oil Spill essentially over? Address the message of the film, BP Advertisements, and prior knowledge to create a strong argument. 2. The oil industry has proven to be environmentally risky and harmful, as evidenced by the BP Oil Spill. However, the oil industry also strongly supports the Louisiana economy, providing income to the state and jobs to the people. Should the oil industry continue in the Gulf of Mexico? Address the message of the film, BP Advertisements, and prior knowledge to create a strong argument. 3. The film claims that impoverished people of color usually suffer the most from environmental harm such as that from the BP Oil Spill. Form an argument for or against this claim using support from the film and prior knowledge. 4. The film accuses BP of spending their money on media to control public opinion rather than actually addressing the problems they caused. If you were a BP Executive, how would you have spent the money? Explain your reasoning using support from the film and prior knowledge. Criteria for Success: Choose 2 out of the 4 prompts Write thoroughly and clearly in complete sentences Provide 3 pieces of support for responses