SharePoint 2010 event receivers SharePoint Saturday The Conference – Washington, DC SharePoint Development 101 August 11th, 2011 Timothy Ferro
Agenda My Background Overview of SharePoint 2010 Event Receivers Focus on List Item Events Demo References
My Background Senior SharePoint Developer US ARMY INSCOM Contractor 4+ Years Developing MOSS 2007 and SharePoint 2010 Solutions Specializing in List Item Event Receivers, jQuery, and Mapping Web Parts
Overview of SharePoint 2010 Event Receivers Main Types: Site Collection, Web, List, Field, Item, and Workflow Main Events: Creation, Update, Deletion, Modification, Conversion, Attachment Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Binding Event Receivers Disabling
Focus on List Item Events Event Receiver Base Class SPItemEventReceiver Available Event Host Types SPSite SPWeb SPList SPContentType Supported Events ItemAdding ItemAdded ItemDeleting ItemDeleted ItemUpdating ItemUpdated ItemFileConverted ItemFileMoving ItemFileMoved ItemCheckingIn ItemCheckedIn ItemCheckingOut ItemCheckedOut ItemAttachmentAdding ItemAttachmentAdded ItemAttachmentDeleting ItemAttachmentDeleted
Demo Setting up SharePoint 2010 Event Receiver Solution Feature Activation Code Event Receiver Code Event Receiver Examples Update Fields Validate Data Check Permissions Alerts and Emails “Workflow” Create Sites/Lists/Folders/Items
References @timferro us/library/gg749858.aspx us/library/gg981880.aspx us/library/microsoft.sharepoint.spitemeventreceiv er.aspx