Our activities include: Wide range of high quality portable, compact and easy to assemble exhibition displays. Signage fabrications in flex, metal and ACM panels for turnkey solutions. Designing and printing large format graphics Outdoor displays like Digital Scrollers, Trivisions. In-store graphics, displays and fixtures for retail stores, multiplexes and shopping malls pan India. Stretch Ceilings for exclusive Interiors Since 1995 Our more a decade long presence in providing brand display solutions is reflected by our ever growing clientele. Our reliable displays and consistent services over a period of time has earned us a reputation with the major corporates in the country today. Sinex specializes in Displays & Signages combining latest Tehnological advancements preparing you for the Future.
Features & Advantages Eco-Friendly Recyclable Light Weight Non-Flammable Flame Retardant Self-Extingusihing Non-Toxic Smoke Insensitive to Chemicals Insensitive to Condensation Insensitive to Salt Water Insensitive to Chlorine Insensitive to X-Ray Impermeable Isolates Asbestos Energy Saving Anti – Fungal Anti – Bacterial Anti – Static Thermal Insulation Acoustic Dimensionally Stable Rupture Resistant Flexible Minimum Installation Depth Minimum Installation Timings No Dust / Debris During Installation Washable Wide range of Colors available
Areas of Applications KitchenLiving Room Dining Room BathroomBedroomSwimming Pool
Representation in India & UAE We are Euroceil and Extenzos Exclusive Distributor in South Asia & UAE