Shadowing & quenching two stories in nuclear colliding Weitian Deng High Energy Physics Group, Shandong University
Prelusion Energy dependence of the total cross section Particle production in high energy hadron collisions two-component model
Prelusion P+P
Prelusion A+A NPDF (Nuclear Parton Distribution Function)
The shadowing legend nucl-th/0110075
The shadowing legend
The shadowing legend Free proton PDFs: CTEQ, MRST, GRV,… Nuclear PDFs: 1. HKN, HKM (Hirai, Kumano, Nagai, Miyama) [hep-ph/0103208,hep-ph/0404093] 2. nDS (de Florian, Sassot) [hep-ph/0311227] 3. EKS98 (Eskola, Kolhinen, Ruuskanen, Salgado) [hep-ph/9802350,hep-ph/9807297] - 1st global analysis for nPDFs - very good fits to nuclear DIS & DY data obtained 1. HKN, HKM (Hirai, Kumano, Nagai, Miyama) - automated chi2 minimization - uncertainty estimates 2. nDS (de Florian, Sassot) - first NLO global analysis for nPDFs 3. EKS98 (Eskola, Kolhinen, Ruuskanen, Salgado) - 1st global analysis for nPDFs - very good fits to nuclear DIS & DY data obtained with sum rules imposed – it works!
The data used DIS: l+A SLAC-E-139 NMC 95, 95re, 96 E665 Drell-Yan in p+A E772 E866 #datapoints = 514
HEP-PH /9807297 Dependence on x and A
HEP-PH /9807297 Dependence on x and Q^2
The shadowing legend Shadowing dependence on Impact-parameter b Transverse momentum cut-off dependence on b
The shadowing legend Nucl-ex/0201005 This is the last slide of shadowing!!
The quenching melodrama Pedestal&flow subtracted Initial state? Final state?
The quenching melodrama <Nbinary>/sinelp+p nucleon-nucleon cross section Nuclear Modification Factor: If R = 1 here, nothing new going on
The quenching melodrama (A+A)/(d+A)
The quenching melodrama Different energies and centrality dependence 200 GeV |h| < 0.5 62 GeV |h| < 0.5 62 GeV 0.5 < |h| < 0.9
The quenching melodrama RCP : Centrality dependence 62 GeV |h| < 0.5 62 GeV 0.5 < |h| < 0.9 200 GeV |h| < 0.5
The quenching melodrama Final state interactions responsible for “jet quenching” instead of initial states. hadronization Final state? shower Splitting function
The quenching melodrama Corrected Splitting Function
The quenching melodrama
The quenching melodrama
The quenching melodrama The quenching function seems reasonable. However, has no power enough to suppress the ratio.