04/18/16 Chapter 12 Congress Review 1
12.2: The Power of Incumbency 04/18/16 Incumbency FIGURE 12.2 The Power of Incumbency Members of Congress who run for re-election have a very good chance of winning. Has the incumbency advantage generally been greater in the House or in the Senate? What are the consequences of the incumbency advantage for who serves in Congress? SOURCES: Norman J. Ornstein et al., eds., Vital Statistics on Congress, 1999–2000 (Washington, DC: AEI Press, 2000), pp. 57–58; and authors’ update. Interpret the chart List 4 advantage 2
04/18/16 Interpet the Cartoon – then list 6 ways that this matters to Congressional process/operations
elections 04/18/16 What might explain this trend line?
Public Opinion of the Legislature 04/18/16 Public Opinion and Congress Interpret this diagram What might explain this pattern? 5
Leadership Enforcement Powers 04/18/16 List them, be able to explain WHY they work.