By: Sydney Midlam Allison Risner Marissa Thompson SAM By: Sydney Midlam Allison Risner Marissa Thompson
Our Utopia: SAM Located: on the nearest cloud to heaven. Named: SAM ( for Sydney, Allison, and Marissa)
Government SAM is run by everyone. When a person wants a new law made, they come to a special association called the Committee, edit it and write it out, then all the people vote on it. Specific Laws (made by the creators): NO VIOLENCE. You CANNOT force someone to do something against their will. Any violation of these 2 laws will get you exiled from SAM.
Education Children start school at age 4. At age 17, you are a legal adult and then you can choose to either continue with you education in whatever area you choose until you are 20, or you can leave school and work in the city’s farming/livestock area under the city (or other low-education needed jobs). Until that age, all children are educated in: Math Science History English Art Music ( children can drop this subject or choose an instrument to play at age 10) P.E ( optional to those who play sports of any kind.) Holiday’s are the same as they are now. Students go to school from 9 a.m to 4 p.m.
Medical Care The hospital is located in the center of the City. It provides medical care to anyone that is a citizen of SAM. It is no cost, and you are given however much medication that you need. There are pharmacy’s, but you have to have a doctor’s signed form to receive any type of drug that could be used for harmful purposes. The pharmacy’s are run by the hospital, so that they can supurvise exactly how much mediation is distributed. If you try to give perscriptions to someone else for harmful purposes, or try to use them yourself for harmful purposes, you can be kicked out of the community.
Becoming a Member of SAM Anyone who wants to become a member of SAM must fill out a New Member form, and be interviewed by the Committee. If you have any criminal record, it is most likely that you will not be allowed to become a citizen of SAM. There is no limit to how many people can join SAM. The city expands and contracts according to how many people there are, so space is no issue. There is also no limit to how many kids a couple can have, as long as they can be responsible for them (there is NO ABORTIONS!! But babies can be put up for adoption if necessary.)
Money There is no money used in SAM. People trade, that way no one is judged by the amount of money they have.
Recreation There are the usual sports that we have. Anyone who wants to be in sports can be, but no sport is required (exception: P.E in school, which is required so that no student gets too little exercise.) The City has regular entertainment options that we have here: movies, arcades, malls, and parks. For students (age 13 and above) there are special stores and clubs especially for their use, and their use only. These places are designed around the students and what they like.
Jobs/ Careers Everyone gets to choose what Career they want (doctor, teacher, artist, etc.) You choose your career at age 17, then you go to a specialized school for what career path you want.
Other things about SAM Outside of the City, there are the 4 seasons. The City is always the same temperature and weather, so if citizens want to be in a certain season that they like, they can go to the special island for that season.
Wildlife and natural resources All food is grown in special units under the City, that are made to help the food grow as best as possible. Animals are also raised in units that are specialized to that animals specific needs. There are no growth hormones used. Everything is all-natural. No artificially flavored, high fat/sugar, or unhealthy food is made, so there is less chance of people having weight issues. Water is gathered from the river surrounding the City, which is already filtered and healthy for people to drink. Animals still live in the wild, outside of the City, in the seasons where they feel most comfortable.
Hope you liked our Utopia The End! Hope you liked our Utopia