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Presentation transcript:

Human Growth and Development Communication Skills!

In this lesson you will learn….. What communication is Why communication is so important Different ways people communicate How you can be a better speaker and listener The three styles of communication

Communication is the clear exchange of ideas and information. What is communication? Communication is the clear exchange of ideas and information.

When you communicate you ______ or ________ a message. send Receive

The process of sending and receiving messages with ________________. Verbal Communication The process of sending and receiving messages with ________________. Face-Face Telephone Text Facebook Twitter Email Letters Sign language WORDS

Non-Verbal Communication The process of communication through sending and receiving_____________ messages. Body language Gestures Eye contact Facial expressions Tone of voice Posture WORDLESS

Three Communication Styles Aggressive Passive Assertive

Aggressive Communication style in which you stand up for your rights but you violate the rights of others

Passive Communication style in which you put the rights of others before your own, minimizing your own self worth Pair Share: In what way were the characters communicating? EXPLAIN!!

Assertive Communication style in which you stand up for your rights while maintaining respect for the rights of others. Pair Share: In what way were the characters communicating? EXPLAIN!!

Snowball Share: On this piece of paper write down an example of a time you stood up for yourself or someone else in a respectful way. Please honor confidentiality and avoid using names. What you write will be shared with the group. When your finished crumple up your paper and toss it in a pile in the center of your group.

It can be difficult to stand up for yourself not matter how minor the situation might be. Maybe you need to leave class for some reason or you need more time to complete an assignment- how you express yourself and the words you use often determines whether you get what you need. This is true at school, with friends, at home and in the community. Communication is an important skill to have. So hopefully after todays lesson you have a better understanding on how to successfully communicate and realize how important it is to be assertive not passive or aggressive !

What Would You Do? Student Role Play With your partner create a skit solving the situation you were given using an assertive communication style.

Communication is the KEY to a HEALTHY RELATIONSHIOP

What is a relationship? A relationship is a connection you have with another person or group. Good Communication skills helps people understand each other and get along

What Are Refusal Skills? Refusal Skills: are ways of saying NO. They are communication strategies for avoiding potentially harmful situations. When your friends are persuading you to do something that is trouble or uncomfortable for you, use a refusal skill. Refusal skills help you to: Keep your friends Stay out of trouble Be in control Have Fun

FIVE steps to STAYING OUT OF TROUBLE ! Ask Questions Name the trouble Name the consequences Suggest something else to do Move it, sell it, and leave the door open

Step 1: ASK QUESTIONS Who What Where When Why Be sure you know what someone is wanting you to do. Who What Where When Why Jules can you stay after school with me today Ask Question!!!! Well Sam has been giving me a hard time in school, I kinda want to teach him a lesson

“two wrongs don’t make it right” Step 2: Name the Trouble Tell them that this is something you don’t want to do and why.. “two wrongs don’t make it right” "That's stealing!” "That's illegal!” "That's mean!” “that’s irresponsible”

Step 3:Name the consequences What could happen if you went against your better judgment. "If I do that I could get grounded.” "If I do that I would feel bad.”

Step 4: Suggest something else to do Suggest something fun and safe to do.. "Instead, why don't we go watch a movie.." "Instead, why don't we call some friends." "Instead, why don't we play some basketball" "Instead, why don't we play video games."

Step 5: Move it, Sell it, leave the door open Get yourself out of the situation. •"If you change your mind, I'll be at my house watching a movie. You can come if you want.” •"If you change your mind, I'm going to get some friends to play a B- ball at the park. come over if you want"

Sample Skit: Summary: Nicole's friend Gina try’s to convince her to stay after school to spray paint the walls of the school. Nicole avoids trouble by suggesting another activity that would be just as fun without any consequences.

Gina: Hey Nicole you want to stay after school with me today? Nicole: What do you want to do after school Gina? Gina: I have two cans of spray paint in my school bag, I was thinking of spray painting the school walls after school. Nicole: I don’t think that’s a very good Idea, that’s vandalism. Its illegal, we could get caught by the teachers or even worse in trouble with the police. If my parents find out I will be grounded foreeeevvvver! Gina: Come on it will be fun, are you chicken? Nicole: No, I’m not a chicken, but I do have a better idea. My dad just bought a new dog house for my puppy spark, we could paint that instead. Gina: That’s not FUN! Nicole: well its up to you, I’m not vandalizing the school. If you change your mind, stop by my house and we can decorate the new dog house.