Which system of classification should be used? 5-Kingdom system - All Prokaryotes grouped in Kingdom Monera - Eukaryotes grouped in separate Kingdoms 6-15 Kingdom system Prokaryotes divided among 2-3 separate Kingdoms Protists divided among many Kingdoms
Figure 27.2 The three domains of life
Prokaryotes 3.5 BYA They’re (almost) Everywhere! + incomparably earliest known organisms 3.5 BYA They’re (almost) Everywhere! + incomparably bountiful and omnipresent + hot, cold, salty, acidic, alkaline
Figure 27.3 The most common shapes of prokaryotes
Figure 27.4x2 Prokaryotes and eukaryotic cell
Figure 27.5 Gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria
Figure 27.5x Gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria
Figure 27.6 Pili
Figure 27.x1 Prokaryotic flagella
Figure 27.x2 Prokaryotic flagella (A. serpens)
Figure 27.x3 Prokaryotic flagella (Bacillus)
Figure 27.9 Prokaryote colonies in culture
Figure 27.10 An anthrax endospore
Figure 27.10x Endospores
Figure 27.x1 Prokaryotic conjugation
Table 27.1 Major Nutritional Modes
Figure 27.11 One of the most independent organisms on earth: Cyanobacteria (Anabaena)
Figure 27.11x1 Cyanobacteria: Gloeothece (top left), Nostoc (top right), Calothrix (bottom left), Fischerella (bottom right)
Figure 27.11x2 A bloom of cyanobacteria