Formal Situation Informal Situation
Some expressions of formal greeting: Formal expressions Some of the responses Good morning Good afternoon Good evening Good night Hello, Hello, good evening
Some expressions of informal greeting: Informal expressions Some of the responses Hello, How are you doing? What’s new? How are you? Preety good, thanks. Just fine Great, thanks
Pre-Closing Ok, then . . . I’ve got to go now So, I’ll see you next week I think, I’d better be going right now Well, it’s time for me to leave now I think it’s already late at night I must be going home
Formal Some of the responses Bellow are some expressions of saying goodbye: Formal Some of the responses Goodbye. It was nice to meet you. I hope to see you soon Goodbye Nice too meet you too. See you later
Informal Some of the responses Bellow are some expressions of saying goodbye: Informal Some of the responses Bye-bye Talk to you later Nice seeing you Bye Goodbye See you later
DIALOGUE Raihan meets his old friend, Luna Raihan : Good Morning, Luna. How are you? Luna : Good morning. I’m fine, thanks, and you? Raihan : Very well, thanks. Nice to meet you. Luna : Nice to meet you, too. I haven’t seen you for a long time. What have you been doing lately? Raihan :Oh, nothing much really and how is everything with you? Luna : Fine, thanks. I have been busy lately. Raihan : What have you been doing? Luna : I have been working the home industries. I’ll export them next month. Raihan : Really? Good luck to you. Luna : Thanks. Well, I really have to go now. Glad to have met you, goodbye! Raihan : Bye-bye!
Task 1 Complete the dialogues. 1. Raihan : Hello, Chelsea. (a)__ __ _ ? Chelsea : Im great, thanks. How about you? Raihan : (b) See you tommorow. Chelsea : (c) _______, Raihan. 2. Rino : Good morning, Luna. Luna : (d)________, Rino. What’s new? Rino : Nothing special. (e)____________ Luna : Goodbye, Rino. Task 2 Write short dialogues used expression of greeting and leave taking then practice with a friends in front of the class.