RESULTS EXCELLENCE INNOVATION Starting a Successful Charter School SOUTH CAROLINA Starting a Successful Charter School Dana C. Reed, Chief of New Schools and Accountability, SCPCSD Mary Carmichael, Executive Director, PCSASC
Ask Yourself Why am I submitting a charter application? Why do I want this school to exist? What will the school do? What will be the defining features and core beliefs of the school I wish to start? Who do I need to join me in this pursuit? How will I know the school is successful?
KEY OBSERVATIONS OF SUCCESSFUL CHARTERS They take the time to plan - one to two years of planning before opening is crucial. They begin with and sustain a focus on children, accountability, and quality. They don’t lose sight of their vision. They create a culture around achievement and have high expectations for all students. They have sound business and organizational practices.
What You Will Need A high capacity and diverse planning committee A solid mission A comprehensive educational plan A comprehensive financial plan A comprehensive organizational plan
What You Will Need To Do demonstrate you can create a successful start-up and have it ready to open in a short time articulate not just what you will do but how you will do it develop a successful academic program and align it to the mission establish an effective board establish effective building leadership and a positive culture
manage and monitor performance and be accountable recruit and retain students acquire suitable facilities and acquire/allocate resources manage a budget attract and manage talent manage external relationships remain focused on the mission
And Remember These Guiding Principles Access & Equity . High Quality Stewardship You are developing a public school-protect the rights of students and parents to equal access and treatment. Focus on providing a high quality educational option for all students. Be responsible stewards of public funding- you will be given public dollars to educate the children of South Carolina.