COURAGEOUS LEADERSHIP WELCOME! A Program for Using Courage to Transform the Workplace WELCOME!
THE FIVE COURAGEOUS LEADERSHIP PREMISES Courage is a teachable and learnable skill. Everyone has the capacity to be courageous. People perform better and with greater passion when working with courage. People can use a host of techniques and approaches to build their courage. The entire organization benefits when everyone is working more courageously.
HOW WILL THIS WORKSHOP BENEFIT OUR ORGANIZATION? More courageous staff will: Take on new challenges. Push themselves for greater results. Hold one another accountable. Be open to new opportunities. Perform with great passion and purpose.
COURAGEOUS LEADERSHIP WORKSHOP OBJECTIVES Learn about the three different types of courage and when (and how) to use each. Understand the impact that fear has on personal and organizational performance. Learn about two distinct ways of leading and about approaches for inspiring more courageous behavior among the people with whom you work. Identify specific actions for extending the value of the workshop so that you can continue benefiting from it going forward. Become more courageous.
SPEAKING OF COURAGE Where is courage needed, but often avoided, in our organization? What are the reasons that people avoid exercising their courage? What might the benefits be if everyone demonstrated more courage in our organization? What might the drawbacks be?
THE COST OF FEAR A third of U.S. employees waste at least 20 hours of work time each month complaining about their bosses (est. cost: $360 billion). (SOURCE: HUMAN RESOURCE EXECUTIVE MAGAZINE, 2008.) Stress-related illnesses account for one-third of worker absenteeism. (SOURCE: AUTHENTIC CONVERSATIONS, BERRETT-KOEHLER, 2008.) A study on workplace aggression at the Department of Veterans Affairs found that 36 percent reported persistent hostility.
THE COST OF FEAR In a recent study of workplace bullying by Zogby International, 37 percent of American workers report being bullied on the job. According to a recent New York Times article, 40 percent of bullies are women, and 70 percent of the time their targets are other women. Fearful workers are twice as likely to be depressed and 33 percent more likely to report exhaustion and sleep disorders. (SOURCE: FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY STUDY)
COURAGE 101 Courage is the first virtue…it makes all the other virtues possible.
THE FIVE PS OF RIGHT RISKS Passion Purpose Principle Prerogative Profit
DEFINING COURAGE The ability to do the right thing, despite feelings of fear or discomfort, when facing situations of pain, risk, opportunity, uncertainty, hardship, or intimidation. NOT FEARLESSNESS
THREE BUCKETS OF COURAGE TRY Courage Associated with: “Stepping up” First attempts/ pioneering Action Requires: Overcoming inertia RISK: YOUR ACTIONS MAY HARM OTHERS
THREE BUCKETS OF COURAGE TRUST Courage Associated with: Following the lead of others Letting go Inaction Requires: Giving up control RISK: OTHER PEOPLE’S ACTIONS MAY HARM YOU
THREE BUCKETS OF COURAGE TELL Courage Associated with: “Speaking out” Asserting one’s voice Truth-telling Requires: Independence of thought RISK: BEING CAST OUT OF THE GROUP
SPILLERS AND FILLERS SPILLERS FILLERS Rely on fear as a motivator. Are negative during times of challenge. Discourage others who try to grow. FILLERS Build other people’s confidence. Support during challenges. Encourage others to grow.
HOW CAN I SUPPORT THE WORKSHOP? Walk the Talk Give Them Permission Recognize and Value New Behavior Provide Meaningful Challenges Heighten Your Courage Radar