2016-2017 Illinois SMART School Academy Session I - Day 1 Time: Purpose: Defines the session. FACILITATOR NOTE: Today’s participants are representatives from each SMART Leadership Team; the principal and a data facilitator (optional). FACILITATOR NOTE: Check that the School District Name, Date of Workshop and Presenter are accurate. Lecture Notes: Activity Notes: Use this slide as an opportunity to meet and greet the participants before the session starts. A district contact person will introduce you and share their commitment to the SMART School Improvement Process. Introduce yourself and co-facilitator (if appropriate). In your introduction share why this work in important to you. FACILITATOR TIP: Play music as audience members enter the room. Resources Required: Not in Participant Manual. Audience Reaction: Audience feels welcomed and an environment for learning is beginning to be built.
Sponsored by Time: Purpose: State partnership with SMART Learning Systems Lecture Notes: Anne introduces her new company and the relationship of the partner group. Activity Notes: Resources Required: Not in Participant Manual. Audience Reaction:
Community Communities are built through the process of convening conversations where people’s thoughts are valued and they have the opportunity to present choices. The experience created is designed in such a way that relatedness, accountability, and commitment are always available, experienced and demonstrated. As a leader you create the conditions for the engagement. You have all that is required for this to happen in your organization. ~ from Community by Peter Block Time: 60 minutes (1/5 slides) Resources Required: Participant Manual, Process tab, page 1 Purpose: Introduction to Session I Lecture Notes: The quote introduces the essence of the SMART School Academy. We believe that it is through communities that this work will build commitment and accountability by those who experience the process. Communities are built on the process of convening a conversation. Activity Notes: Read through the quote individually. Turn to your neighbor, introduce yourself and share what word(s), phrases or sentence speaks to you and why. (2-3 minutes) FACILITATOR NOTE: Collect some thoughts from the audience, honoring their voices.
Convene a Conversation What would make this Academy experience successful for you? Why are you here? Time: 60 minutes (2/5 slides) Resources Required: Participant Manual, page 2. Books by Margaret J. Wheatley, Leadership and the New Science, A Simpler Way, Turning to One Another: Simple Conversations to Restore Hope to the Future. Purpose: Convene a Conversation Lecture Notes: FACILITATOR NOTE: Do not reference page numbers. The audience is to experience first. Reference these page numbers after the Kinesthetic Representation. Activity Notes: Invite the audience to stand and form a circle. The purpose of doing this is to convene a conversation, meet participants and honor voices. (1 minute) After they have formed a circle, share my experience with Meg Wheatley, author and leader in the field of systems thinking. [Please feel comfortable to share your own story of building a community.] (2 minutes) Carol Pulsfus’ story: At the beginning of a recent workshop that I attended we were asked to stand in a circle; over 90 people were in the room. I couldn’t imagine how this was going to play out. Meg Wheatley asked us to turn to the person next to us and have a conversation; this happened twice. The outcome was the ability to immediately meet more people and build a sense of community; it was successful. We will replicate the process here. Background Information: Wheatley is known for her research in the chaos theory; she studied the science of nature. Nature aligns with how organizations/peoples lives work today. Her theory states that out of chaos comes order and with order comes chaos; a revolving system. Understanding chaos theory helps us lead change in our own organizations/lives. Her most recent book, Turning to One Another: Simple Conversations to Restore Hope to the Future provides us for us her research about how conversations make change; change in ourselves and in our organizational systems. Her background includes being a science teacher, researcher and PhD in organizational development. 3.Share that when they formed the circle they self-organized (Wheatley uses this term). You start with what is most likely a safe place. Maybe you know the person next to you, proximity or it just is. Identify a person in the circle as a starting point and ask them to turn to the person on their right, then left forming pairs around the circle. Once everyone has turned to one other person, ask them to introduce themselves and answer the question, “Why are you here?” (click) (2 minute) FACILITATOR NOTE: Honor some of the answers by asking for 4-6 volunteers to share why they choose to come to this workshop? When they share responses ask them to state their name with the answer. [Beginning to build a community] (2 minute) 4. Using the same starting position (person) ask the audience to turn to their other neighbor, introduce themselves and answer “What would make this Academy successful for you ? (click) (2 minute) FACILITATOR NOTE: Document 4-6 answers on chart paper. When they share responses ask them to state their name with the answer. Document their answers on chart paper. This list will be used at the end of each day for the audience to provide immediate feedback if we are reaching their needs to make these two days successful. (See below how to create the chart). (2 minute) FACILITATOR NOTE: State how quickly we have learned who is in our community, some names and insights from each other. FACILITATOR NOTE: While the audience is working in other group activities, find time to create a new chart paper document. It will become one of the assessments for feedback at the end of the two days. We will bring the data collection back to a mid-point in the academy and again at the end. If needed, cluster their ideas for success into 3-5 clear measures. Under each success to be met add a Likert scale of 1-5 (5=Most satisfied). Hang the new document near the doors where they exit. At an appropriate time, share with them the meaning of this document (immediate feedback) and how it will be used at the end of the day (place a dot on the Likert scale of where you are at the end of Day 1 then Day 2. FACILITATOR NOTE: Very interactive and starts the day with honoring their voices. Fun and full engagement!
Characteristics of a Community Time: 60 minutes (3/5 slides) Resources Required: Participant Manual, page 2. Purpose: Convene a conversation Lecture Notes: FACILITATOR NOTE: Do not reference page numbers. The audience is to experience first. Reference these page numbers after the Kinesthetic Representation. Activity Notes: Continuing to work in the circle; ask the participants to self-organize into a new group of 4-6 people. In your new group, introduce yourselves then take 3-4 minutes to determine the characteristics (elements, attributes) of a community. Collect one characteristic from each group to create a final group list on chart paper. Use the list throughout the rest of the Session I Academy as a way in which we do work around here. Reference their list at the appropriate time in your lectures or when questions arise. Great teaching tool from the audience’s voice. (2 minutes) FACILITATOR NOTE: The participants are finding out that their voice is important in this workshop.
I’ve seen that there is no more powerful way to initiate significant change than to convene a conversation. When a community of people discovers that they share a concern, change begins. There is no power equal to a community discovering what it cares about. ~ Margaret Wheatley Turning to One Another: Simple Conversations to Restore Hope to the Future, page 22 Time: 60 minutes (5/5 slides) Resources Required: Participant Manual, Overview page 1 Purpose: Convene a conversation Lecture Notes: Still standing. We will be inviting you into many powerful conversations during this academy. You will have opportunities to discuss what you care about and how at the heart of the process is increased student learning. Activity Notes: Ask the audience, “What do you now know and understand as a result of convening conversations?” Share as a large group. (2 minutes)
Orientation to Your Resources Human Resources - – Facilitators, Coaches and Technology Support Participant Manual Books – The Power of SMART Goals and The Handbook for SMART School Teams Supplies – Pencil pouches and Journals SMART School Improvement Planning Guide Laminate – SMART School Improvement Process and Coaching Cycle My SMART Journey Webpage
Session I Overview Purpose: Develop a community of learners who understand and commit to their roles as learners, leaders and coaches of the SMART School Improvement Process. Concept: Focus Bridges: Day 1 Community Day 2 Growth Time: Purpose: Introduce the materials Lecture Notes: (10 minutes) 1) Start from the beginning of the binder, review the cover, bios and academy schedule. Note how the academy has been conceptualized throughout each session. Highlight that they will move from building Community (just experienced this and will continue to do so) to finding Focus next seeking Adaptation and finally discovering Sustainability with each bridge supporting the concepts. 2) Introduce each tab: The SMART School Improvement Process and Coaching the Process. 3) Move to Tab - The SMART School Improvement Process page 1. Document in words and images how you would now define a Community. Share with table mates. Ask each table to share one example to represent their conversation to all participants. (Continue to introduce yourselves as you speak) 4) Move to Tab -The Process page 2. See Purpose (click), Essential Question (click), Outcomes (click). 5) Move to Tab -The Process page 3. Session’s Agenda (click) 6) Move to Tab -The Process page 4. Share two activity notes from the beginning of the day which have been documented for your use. 7) Move to Tab -The Process page 5. FACILITATOR TIP: Show the 4MAT agenda model. Explain how the workshop was designed to honor different learning styles and to stretch each of us in new learning strategies. Have you experienced any stretching thus far? Activity Notes: Resources Required: Participant Manual, Process tab, page 1 Audience Reaction:
Session I Overview Essential Question: How do we, as a community of learners, focus on student growth? Outcomes Agenda Overview Time: Purpose: Introduce the materials Lecture Notes: (10 minutes) 1) Start from the beginning of the binder, review the cover, bios and academy schedule. Note how the academy has been conceptualized throughout each session. Highlight that they will move from building Community (just experienced this and will continue to do so) to finding Focus next seeking Adaptation and finally discovering Sustainability with each bridge supporting the concepts. 2) Introduce each tab: The Process, Coaching the Process, Action Plans, My Stuff, and Resources. 3) Move to Tab -The Process page 1. Document in words and images how you would now define a Community. Share with table mates. Ask each table to share one example to represent their conversation to all participants. (Continue to introduce yourselves as you speak) 4) Move to Tab -The Process page 2. See Purpose (click), Essential Question (click), Outcomes (click). 5) Move to Tab -The Process page 3. Session’s Agenda (click) 6) Move to Tab -The Process page 4. Share two activity notes from the beginning of the day which have been documented for your use. 7) Move to Tab -The Process page 5. FACILITATOR TIP: Show the 4MAT agenda model. Explain how the workshop was designed to honor different learning styles and to stretch each of us in new learning strategies. Have you experienced any stretching thus far? Activity Notes: Resources Required: Participant Manual, Process tab, pages 1-2 Audience Reaction:
The Framework for Shared Responsibility Time: 1:30 minutes (1/13 slides) Resources Required: Participant Manual, Process tab, page 3; Building Shared Responsibility for Student Learning (a chapter describes each point); and The Handbook for SMART School Teams, pages 7-14. Purpose: Introduce The Framework for Shared Responsibility Lecture Notes: There are three essential elements of this Framework – FOCUS, REFLECTION and COLLABORATION – all of which combine to build LEADERSHIP CAPACITY. In our work, we refer to that as “shared responsibility”; the DuFour’s refer to it as “professional learning community”. Regardless of what you call it, the intention is the same – to create the conditions, the culture and the expectation that everyone in the system shares responsibility for improving student learning results. Activity Notes: Tables self organize into pairs. 1. Each pair takes one of the three points of the triangle and answers the question, “What if this is the only part of the triangle we do?” (E.g. What if we only set goals but do not look at data or use teamwork?) 2. Each pair then shares what they talked about with the rest of the table. 3. Debrief with the entire group. FACILITATOR SUMMARY: How does a stable framework (structure) support change? FACILITATOR TIP: Document the “Framework for Shared Responsibility” in the SMART Tool mind map.
Collaborative Reading Divide into four pairs and assign one of the following sections from The Power of SMART Goals (PSG) and The Handbook for SMART School Teams (HBSST) to each pair. Framework for Shared Responsibility (PSG pages 11-13) PDSA (HBSST pages 3-5) Define SMART (PSG pages 13-17) Five Key Questions (PSG pages 35-38) Share the main points from each section with others at your table. Time: 1:30 minutes (2/13 slides) Resources Required: Participant Manual, Process tab, pages 4-5 Purpose: Focus on foundational concepts of the SMART School Improvement Process Lecture Notes: Activity Notes: Debrief the three reading sections. Use the next three slides to help. Facilitator Tip: FYI The Framework in the book is referred to as the QLD Framework. SMART Learning Systems used to be named QLD Learning.
The Framework for Shared Responsibility SMART Goals Time: 1:30 (3/13) Resources Required: None Purpose: Affirm what was learned in reading. Activity: Use this slide to have the people who read this part of the book share what they learned. Data Teamwork
Strategic & Specific Measureable Attainable Results-oriented Timebound Resources Required: None Purpose: Affirm what was learned in reading. Activity: Use this slide to have the people who read this part of the book share what they learned.
Five Key Questions It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters in the end. Ursula K. LeGuin 1999 5. Where should we focus next? 4. What are we learning? 3. How will we get to where we want to be? Time: 1:30 minutes (5/13 slides) Resources Required: None Purpose: Affirm what was learned in reading Activity: Use this slide to have the people who read this part of the book share what they learned 2. Where do we want to be? 1. Where are we now?
The Framework for Shared Responsibility SMART Goals Time: 1:30 (6/10) Resources Required: None Purpose: Deepen the participants’ understanding of the Framework and link it to the Self-Assessment Activity Lecture: Our next activity is designed to give you a chance to assess your school’s readiness and current use of the Framework. The self-assessment is built on the elements of the triangle including the development of leadership capacity as an outcome of engaging in FOCUS, REFLECTION and COLLABORATION. Data Teamwork
Our School Self-Assessment Time: 1:30 minutes (7/10 slides) Resources Required: Participant Manual, Process tab, pages 6-9 Purpose: Collect perceptual data on current level of shared responsibility in your school. Lecture Notes: Activity Notes: See Participant Manual notes pages 6-9. PowerPoint represents an end result of all team’s analysis. Have teams share their end product and key take-aways from their analysis of the data. Suggest that this can be used as a pre-assessment of their school. They may want to re-assess at the end of the year after they have implemented the SMART School Improvement process to determine if they had improved. They can also use this to make plans to improve their readiness. For example, identify the lowest area or areas and create a plan for moving the data up. Focus Reflection Collaboration Leadership Capacity
Data Analysis Questions Which of the nine questions is your greatest strength? Which of the four categories is your greatest strength? (Focus, Reflection, Collaboration, Leadership Capacity) Which of the nine questions is your greatest opportunity? Which of the four categories is your greatest opportunity? (Focus, Reflection, Collaboration, Leadership Capacity)
Data Analysis Questions Which of the questions have greatest range? What does that tell you? Which of the questions are compacted together and have the shortest range? What does that tell you? How can you quantify the data? Could you do this with your leadership team in the fall and again in the spring? What might that data tell you? How can you use this data with your leadership team to move forward in a better way?
A clearly defined process is the bridge between vision and action. This Academy provides the process or road map for informed actions guided by data. The SMART School Improvement Process connects the organization’s strategic vision to specific actions at the classroom level through an aligned system of continuous improvement.
District-wide System of Support for Continuous Improvement Building a Culture Focused on Student Success Strategic Plan – Vision, Mission, Values, Strategic Priorities and Goals Strategic Priority #1 Strategic Priority #2 Strategic Priority #3 Strategic Priority #4 Strategic Priority #5 System of Accountability and Communication District-wide System of Support for Continuous Improvement System of Accountability and Communication SMART School Improvement This image illustrates the organizational context within which school improvement is most effective – not as a stand-alone activity but as an integrated part of an aligned system of continuous improvement. This Academy focuses on the SMART School Improvement Process. You can tell from this image that it serves a pivotal function for connecting the system of goals that drive improvement at every level. So let’s start at the top. Many of you have strategic plans that include these elements (vision, mission, values, priorities and goals). Vision can be very motivating / inspiring but it is the feedback that we get on the results that we are achieving toward that vision that causes us to sustain our commitment to act – not just at the very top of the organization, but throughout the organization. Vision, mission and values are carried out through the Strategic Priorities, Goals and Action Plans as defined in the organization’s strategic plan. The district-wide system of support is informed by both the work of the district’s strategic action teams and by the school improvement work being done at the school sites. We use a tool called the SMART Measurement System to gather feedback to track and support progress toward system and school improvement goals. School goals and plans are implemented within a culture of shared responsibility. The entire faculty works collaboratively to design and implement the school’s strategies for achieving its goals via professional learning community structures and processes. PLC goals do two things – they support the achievement of the school-wide SMART goal(s) and they set the context for the specific goals needed to close achievement gaps at their grade level or in their content areas. The data used for actionable school improvement comes from the classroom, not the state, or the feds or even the district office. Common formative assessments and assessments for learning are used by teachers and students who are engaged in setting their own individual learning goals by unit of instruction. These measures are also used by the teachers and students to monitor progress on individual student and classroom goals. When a fully aligned system of improvement is created, supported and communicated throughout the organization, everyone knows what the district’s priorities are and can be actively involved in pursuing the achievement of meaningful goals on a daily basis. This aligned system of goal management assures that the strategic plan and school improvement plans are dynamic, data-informed, implemented and continuously improved AND that they ultimately affect and improve student learning. SMART School Improvement SMART School Improvement PLC PLC PLC PLC PLC PLC PLC PLC PLC
The Data – Logic Chain Logic Data Logic Data Logic Data Logic Time: Purpose: Lecture Notes: Activity Notes: Resources Required: Participant Manual, Process tab, page 10 Audience Reaction: FACILITATOR NOTE: FACILITATOR TIP: At this level we’re using system level assessments and monitoring progress toward a school wide goal and applying improvements via the school wide RTI plan. THE PROCESS IS WHAT FUELS CONTINUOUS LEARNING. LEARNING and ACTION are embedded in the process. Data Logic
SMART School Improvement Process Step #5 Analyze and refocus Begin again! Step #4 Develop action plans Between Steps Implement plans Step #3 Select strategies Between Steps Explore professional learning options Step #2 Create school SMART goal Between Steps Investigate effective practices Time: Purpose: Lecture Notes: Activity Notes: Resources Required: Participant Manual, Process tab, page 10 Audience Reaction: FACILITATOR NOTE: FACILITATOR TIP: Step #1 Isolate need Between Steps Gather and analyze data
It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters in the end. ~ Ursula K. LeGuin, 1999 Time: Purpose: Lecture Notes: Activity Notes: FACILITATOR TIP: Resources Required: Not in participant manual Audience Reaction:
Five Key Questions Where are we know? Where do we want to be? How will we get to where we want to be? What are we learning? Where should we focus next? Time: Purpose: Set a climate of trust and support Lecture Notes: See Instructor Glossary of Terms for a detailed explanation of each guideline. Activity Notes: 1) Choose one sentence/phrase/word from the Learning Philosophy that represents your personal intent. 2) Click through each guideline with short explanations. Ask the audience for clarifications or additional guidelines. Acknowledge each are designed to support their work for the day. FACILITATOR TIP: Document “Guidelines for Work Together” in the SMART Tool mind map. Resources Required: Feathers on the table tops (optional). Participant Manual, Process tab, pages ??? Audience Reaction: Usually quite thankful for the parameters. A way to honor many styles of learners.
Where should we focus next? How will we get to where we want to be? SMART School Improvement Process Where should we focus next? What are we learning? Step #5 Analyze and refocus Begin again! Step #4 Develop action plans Between Steps Implement plans Step #3 Select strategies Between Steps Explore professional learning options Where do we want to be? How will we get to where we want to be? Step #2 Create school SMART goal Between Steps Investigate effective practices Time: Purpose: Refresh the SMART School Improvement Process Lecture Notes: Yesterday we introduced the SMART School Improvement Process. As a reminder, the process is built upon the data-logic chain. Let’s look at the continuum in terms of the process definition at the top of the page. Each meeting is built upon a series of action that bring about an end result. As you click through the process each meeting brings about some type of result aligned to the School SMART Goal. What has been added (last click) are the questions which wrap around the Framework for Shared Responsibility. Each question is answered as you move throughout the process. These are questions you want to answer as you move through the SMART School Improvement Process. Our new dilemma is finding out how all these meetings can be accomplished? It seems overwhelming. The next activity will provide answers to this question. FACILITATOR TIP: The Framework for Shared Responsibility was introduced the end of Day 1. Think of this refresher as another slice of understanding the Framework for Shared Responsibility. Activity Notes: Resources Required: Participant Manual, Process tab, pages ??? Audience Reaction: Step #1 Isolate need Between Steps Gather and analyze data Where are we now?
School Improvement Planning Cycle Time: Purpose: Lecture Notes: Activity Notes: Resources Required: Participant Manual, Process tab, page 11 Audience Reaction: FACILITATOR NOTE: FACILITATOR TIP: If you haven’t already seen this image (or one very similar to it), you will begin to see it everywhere. It is a graphic that captures the school improvement cycle, timeline and steps that you will be leading over the long term. It is closely aligned with IL’s Rising Star process so, many of you are already doing pieces of this cycle but it is not consistent throughout the SYSTEM. The result from a system perspective feels like random acts of improvement. During the coming school year 2/3 of the schools will learn the cycle and practice the process so that, beginning in June, 2015 you will be ready to implement the process in a standard and consistent way throughout the district. The other 1/3 of the schools will learn the cycle during the 2015-16 school year. (Ankhe to present the cohort assignments).
SMART School Improvement Process Step #5 Analyze and refocus Begin again! Step #4 Develop action plans Between Steps Implement plans Step #3 Select strategies Between Steps Explore professional learning options Step #2 Create school SMART goal Between Steps Investigate effective practices Time: Purpose: Reinforces use of data Lecture Notes: Introduce the data concepts (7 clicks). Activity Notes: Two quotes in the participant manuals reinforce the use of data. 1) Ask the audience to reflect with a partner which quote speaks to them and why or 2) read the quotes to the audience tying them back to the list at the top of the page. Resources Required: Participant Manual, Process tab, page 12 Audience Reaction: Step #1 Isolate need Between Steps Gather and analyze data
The “Cotter” Question What can you do to assure that the use of data in your school will be a disaster? Purpose: Provides focus for the audience before the brainstorming begins. Lecture Notes: A Cotter Question is a question that is developed around looking at answering a question from an opposite way of how you would naturally ask it. Activity Notes: This question is part of the upcoming Data Trust Rule Meeting (next slide). Resources Required: Participant Manual, page 8 Audience Reaction:
Data Trust Rules Create dialogue and understanding. Promote shared learning. Be open—acknowledge and respect various interpretations. Search for meaning even when the conclusions are not readily apparent. Handle with care…this is not for “gotcha.” Be patient with those who may find this difficult or threatening. Make the best of the data you have. Time: Purpose: Reinforces use of data Lecture Notes: Introduce the data concepts (7 clicks). Activity Notes: Two quotes in the participant manuals reinforce the use of data. 1) Ask the audience to reflect with a partner which quote speaks to them and why or 2) read the quotes to the audience tying them back to the list at the top of the page. Resources Required: Participant Manual, page 5 Audience Reaction:
Practice Step #1 Isolate Need Purpose: Isolate perceptions of student learning needs Time: Purpose: Lecture Notes: FACILITATOR NOTE: Activity Notes: Follow the instructions in the participant manual. Resources Required: Participant Manual, Process tab, pages 13-15 Pages 113 and 116-119
Action Planning for Step #1 Key elements to consider: Review school mission, vision and values Establish/review data trust rules Gather and analyze individual perceptions Create a data plan Time: Purpose: Transition Slide to Pause for an Activity Lecture Notes: FACILITATOR NOTE: It is encouraged that the participants take the process back to their staff. Activity Notes: Follow the instructions in the participant manual. Resources Required: Participant Manual, Process tab, pages ???? Audience Reaction:
Your Three Hats Learners of the Content – SMART School Improvement Process and coaching competencies Coaches of the Process – Team application of the SMART School Improvement Process Leaders of the Implementation – Building capacity for school-based improvement Time: Purpose: Lecture Notes: Activity Notes: Resources Required: Participant Manual, Process tab, pages ???? Audience Reaction: FACILITATOR NOTE: FACILITATOR TIP:
What is My Coaching Style? I find it easy to… 0 Tackle issues as they arise 5 Carefully plan each step 1 Tackle issues as they arise 4 Carefully plan each step 2 Tackle issues as they arise 3 Carefully plan each step Time: 25 minutes Purpose: Introduce the “What’s My Coaching Style?” profile. Lecture Notes: Activity Notes: Distribute “What’s My Coaching Style?” profile asking each to place their name on it. Take the response form out of the profile and place your name on this as well. (2 minutes) FACILITATOR TIP: Prevents loss of profiles. 2) Share the following prior to taking the profile: (1 minute) No right or wrong answers Provides insight about your behaviors as a coach Outcomes becomes a better understanding of myself, my team, and those I coach. 3) Answer the Sentence Stems: Demonstrate how each person will score. The questions are specific to behaviors of a coach. Each questions starts with a sentence stem (Click). Then, two responses are given (Click). Your task is to give each response a score that will equal 5. In this case the responder heavily scored in one response due to their preference of the two stems. The next example (click) which also equals 5 shows another heavily rated response. The third example (click) shows a more balanced score equaling 5. All of the scores are correct, it depends on the person who is answering each sentence stem. What is important is the total score for each question must equal 5. (3 minutes) 4) Take Inventory: Provide 5-7 minutes to complete the response sheet. 5) Score the Response Sheet: Carefully pull the response sheet open. Add all the triangle shapes and write the score in the triangle. Continue with all shapes (5 minutes for scoring). Transfer the scores onto page 5. (2 minutes) FACILITATOR NOTE: If some finish early, I guide them to page 3-4 to start reading about style Resources Required: What’s My Coaching Style?” Profile Audience Reaction:
Four Coaching Styles Direct: Coaches by taking charge. Spirited: Coaches by inspiring. Considerate: Coaches by facilitating. Systematic: Coaches by planning carefully. Time: 5 minutes Purpose: Mini-lecture #1 or 2 about coaching style Lecture Notes: After the inventory is complete highlight through a mini lecture the following from page 3-4 (3 minutes) Style is defined as a way a person behaves when he or she is able to do thing their own way. Provides you with an awareness of your own patterns of behaviors aligned to a coaching role Measures your assertiveness and expressive behaviors (Reference page 5) FACILITATOR NOTE: We will return to page 5 with a lecture after the next activity. Activity Notes: Resources Required: What’s My Coaching Style?” Profile Audience Reaction:
Highlight All Coaching Styles A symbol of your style (image) Strengths in coaching other styles Challenges in coaching other styles Song to represent your style Time: 30 minutes Purpose: Find meaning in each coaching style Lecture Notes: Activity Notes: Form groups of 4 with “like” coaching styles. (2 minutes) FACILITATOR NOTE: You may find you have multiple groups for each style. 1) Individually, review the characteristics, strength and weaknesses of your “like” style. Page 7 “What’s My Coaching Style? profile. (2 minutes) 2) Document 2-3 descriptors which speak to you. (1 minute) 3) Share your key descriptors with your team. (5 minutes) 4) Using the information discussed, create a poster describing your coaching style to include: (10 minutes) A symbol of your style (image) Strengths in coaching other styles Challenges in coaching other styles Song to represent your style Post and share with large group. (15 minutes) FACILITATOR NOTE: Think through how the facilitation from all groups will be expedited. Resources Required: Participant Manual, Coaching tab, page 2 Audience Reaction:
Source: HRDQ Time: 5 minutes Purpose: Mini-lecture #2 or 2 about coaching style Lecture Notes: From what you just heard in like groups, let’s look at the research: Vertical line represents your behavior of ASSERTIVENESS (High or Low) Horizontal line represents your behavior of EXPRESSIVENESS (High or Low Move the audience around the model: High ASSERTIVENESS to High EXPRESSIVENESS = Spirited Coaching Style High EXPRESSIVENESS to Low ASSERTIVENESS = Considerate Coaching Style Low ASSERTIVENESS to Low EXPRESSIVENESS = Systematic Coaching Style Low EXPRESSIVENESS to High ASSERTIVENESS = Direct Coaching Style Activity Notes: Resources Required: Participant Manual, Coaching tab, page ??? Audience Reaction: Draw this on chart paper – have people write their dominant and secondary styles on chart. Source: HRDQ
Interpreting Your Team Results DIRECT SPIRITED SYSTEMATIC CONSIDERATE Time: 10 minutes Purpose: Build a deeper sense of who we are as coaches Lecture Notes: Activity Notes: Ask the participants to move back to their team’s table. Select a facilitator and timekeeper. (1-2 minutes) 2) Provide a mini lecture (reinforce what may have been on the posters) about what each quadrants represents: (5 minutes) High or low assertiveness with high or low expression Behaviors for high assertiveness TELLS, low assertiveness ASKS Behaviors for high expression SHOWS EMOTION, low expression SHOWS LITTLE OR NO EMOTION Show how it becomes a cycle by Spirited coaches by INSPIRING, Considerate coaches by FACILITATING, Systematic coaches by PLANNING CAREFULLY, Direct coaches by TAKES CHARGE. How can we as coaches balance all of this during our coaching sessions. You know your comfort zone, now where can you stretch yourself? 3) Use the profile, “What’s My Coaching Style?” page 5 to transfer scores as well as discuss (8 minutes) How does the scores match, complement or conflict as a team? How will knowing your team’s Coaching Style allow you to become a high-performing SMART Leadership Team? FACILITATOR NOTE: Summarize the activity by asking for responses from the second bullet. Document on chart paper as a reference while training. Resources Required: Participant Manual, Coaching tab, page 3 Audience Reaction:
Evening Learning Opportunity Read… The X Factor is ‘Why’ Time: Purpose: Closure Lecture Notes: Activity Notes: 1. Read quotes in the participant manual silently, round robin, or whole group and identify the one that speaks to you and why. Pair/Share. 2. Ask the audience to complete the feedback form. If possible, ask for the tables to take on the roles of: - Delivering the feedback forms to the front; - Clearing the tables; - Arranging the table tops for tomorrow; - Making sure the chairs are arranged for tomorrow. 3. Also have each person sign out by placing a “dot” on their criteria for success (documented earlier in the day). 4. After all are back at their tables, end with an appreciation: Today I learned that… Resources Required: Appreciations are from research of Jean Gibes in her book “Tribes A New Way of Learning Together”. Audience Reaction:
Journal Entries What did I learn today that affirmed my prior knowledge and skills? What did I learn today that furthered my prior knowledge and skills? What did I learn today that challenged my thinking and raised questions in my mind? What did I learn today that excited me most? Time: Purpose: Closure Lecture Notes: Activity Notes: 1. Read quotes in the participant manual silently, round robin, or whole group and identify the one that speaks to you and why. Pair/Share. 2. Ask the audience to complete the feedback form. If possible, ask for the tables to take on the roles of: - Delivering the feedback forms to the front; - Clearing the tables; - Arranging the table tops for tomorrow; - Making sure the chairs are arranged for tomorrow. 3. Also have each person sign out by placing a “dot” on their criteria for success (documented earlier in the day). 4. After all are back at their tables, end with an appreciation: Today I learned that… FACILITATOR TIP: Have participants tear feedback form out of participant manual and turn in. Summarize the feedback comments and insert them into tomorrow’s PowerPoint. Resources Required: Participant Manual, pages 36 and 38. Appreciations are from research of Jean Gibes in her book “Tribes A New Way of Learning Together”. Audience Reaction:
Building capacity for student-focused, goal directed learning Thank you SMART People! smartlearningsystems.com Time: Purpose: Show as the participants leave the room Lecture Notes: Activity Notes: Resources Required: Not in Participant Manual Audience Reaction: FACILITATOR NOTE: FACILITATOR TIP: Building capacity for student-focused, goal directed learning