New Beginnings Siang-Jiex Gorn


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Presentation transcript:

New Beginnings Siang-Jiex Gorn Ih Hnoi Nyei Zunh Doz Waac Sunday/January 19, 2014 New Beginnings Siang-Jiex Gorn Fi^lipv^poi 3:12-16 - Philippians 3:12-16

12 Yie maiv zeiz gorngv yie duqv liuz naaiv deix yietc zungv 12 Yie maiv zeiz gorngv yie duqv liuz naaiv deix yietc zungv. Yaac maiv zeiz gorngv yie dunh yunh nzengc. Yie njiec qaqv tiux jienv mingh weic oix zorqv duqv zingh nyeic. Se weic naaiv Giduc Yesu zungv zorqv yie ndaangc, benx ninh nyei mi'aqv. 12 Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. (NIV). 3

13 Gorx-youz aac, yie maiv zeiz funx yie zorqv duqv mi'aqv 13 Gorx-youz aac, yie maiv zeiz funx yie zorqv duqv mi'aqv. Yie kungx zoux nduqc nyungc hnangv. Jiex daaih nyei sic yie la'kuqv nzengc mi'aqv, longc qaqv hungx jienv wuov ndaangc mingh, 13 Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, (NIV). 4

14 baeng zaqc tiux taux zorqv duqv zingh nyeic nyei dorngx, se dongh Tin-Hungh heuc yie kaux Giduc Yesu mingh yiem gu'nguaaic duqv nyei zingh nyeic. 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. (NIV). 5

15 Mbuo haaix dauh ei lingh wuonh nyei jauv benx domh mienh oix zuqc maaih naaiv nyungc hnyouv. Se gorngv maaih deix ganh nyungc hnamv, Tin-Hungh ziouc bun meih mbuo hiuv duqv se ganh nyungc mi'aqv. 15 All of us who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you. (NIV). 6

16 Mv baac mbuo yangh Yesu nyei jauv taux haaix, oix zuqc ei jienv wuov yangh. 16 Only let us live up to what we have already attained. (NIV). 7

Biux Mengh Waac Introduction Naaiv douc Ging-Sou njaaux mbuo hnangv haaix nor sienx kaux Yesu yangh ninh nyei jauv. Mbuo maiv maaih haaix dauh dunh yunh, mv baac mbuo nyei gong caux mbuo yangh nyei jauv oix zuqc faaux maengx hnangv, maiv zeiz njiec maengx. This passage taught us how to believe and trust on Jesus, how to walk in His way. No one was perfect, but our job and our walk is going up not going down. 8

"Baulo fin-saeng mbuox mbuo, oix zuqc hungx jienv wuov ndaangc mingh, jiex daaih nyei sic mbuo oix zuqc guangc, oix zuqc la’kuqv aqv, mbuo maiv haih aengx daaux nqaang mingh zorc mingh tiuv. Mbuo oix zuqc longc qaqv hungx jienv wuov ndaangc mingh hnangv, haaix nyungc dongh mbuo zoux maiv taux nyei, fai mun hnyouv nyei dorngx, fai ndiqv zuqc ndorpc fai, naaiv deix yietc zungv mbuo oix zuqc guangc nqoi, maiv dungx jangx. Mbuo kungx hungx jienv, mangc jienv wuov ndaangc mingh hnangv. Apostle Paul told us, we must go forward to the future. The things that we have done in the past, we can not go back and change or fix. The way we get hurt and sorrow, whether it cause by ourselves ignorance or cause by some one else, we must forgive and forgot it. 9

Baulo fin-saeng gorngv mbuox “mbuo yangh Yesu nyei jauv taux haaix, oix zuqc ei jienv wuov yangh.”(vs.16). Eix-leiz se aengx borqv jienv mingh, maiv hluotv nzuonx nqaang, yaac maiv tuix bouc, maiv guangc fuh sux Tin-Hungh nyei jauv. Maiv zeiz gorngv, ih hnoi jorm hnyouv njang hnoi aengx namx njiec. Apostle Paul told us, “Only let us live up to what we have already attained.” (vv.16). It meant that we do not give up on what we are doing, we have to continue do what we are doing now, not forsake serving the Lord. 10

Hipv^lu 12:1 “Hnangv naaic, mbuo maaih zorng-zengx mienh ndongc naaic camv weih jienv mbuo, mbuo ziouc oix zuqc guangc yietc zungv torngv jauv nyei ga'naaiv yaac guangc aah loc nyau jienv mbuo nyei zuiz. Yaac oix zuqc longc noic diev jienv tiux, hungx jienv mingh taux dingc daaih nyei dorngx.” Hebrews 12:1 “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." 11

Hebrews 12:12 “Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees.” Hipv^lu 12:12 “Hnangv naaiv, oix zuqc cau jiez maiv maaih qaqv nyei buoz, yaac bun mau nyei cingh mborqc henv jiez daaih.” Hebrews 12:12 “Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees.” 12

I. Mbuo Qiemx Zuqc Hlo Yiem Wuonh Zaang Nyei Jauv I. Mbuo Qiemx Zuqc Hlo Yiem Wuonh Zaang Nyei Jauv. We need to growth in knowledge. 1. Mbuo qiemx zuqc hiuv camv faaux. Yietc nyungc jauv dongh mbuo maiv haih dingc nyei jauv se yiem mbuo kauv hoqc nyei jauv (Fi^lipv^poi 1:9; Ko^lo^si 1:10; 2 Bide 1:5). 1. We need to know more. One thing that we can not stop is a learning (Philippians 1:9; Colossians 1:10; 2 Peter 1:5). 13

2. We need to growth in good deeds more (2 Peter 1:5-9 -2 ). 2. Mbuo qiemx zuqc hlo yiem zoux kuv sic nyei jauv gauh camv (2 Bide 1:5-9). 2. We need to growth in good deeds more (2 Peter 1:5-9 -2 ). 14

5 Weic naaiv meih mbuo oix zuqc longc nzengc hnyouv bun meih mbuo nyei sienx fim jaa zoux kuv sic. Zoux kuv sic yaac oix zuqc jaa hiuv duqv Tin-Hungh. 6 Hiuv duqv Tin-Hungh yaac oix zuqc jaa haih gunv duqv ganh. Haih gunv duqv ganh yaac oix zuqc jaa maaih noic diev. Maaih noic diev yaac oix zuqc jaa gan longx Tin-Hungh. 5 For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; 6 and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; 15

7 Gan longx Tin-Hungh yaac oix zuqc jaa hnamv sienx Yesu nyei gorx-youz. Hnamv sienx Yesu nyei gorx-youz yaac oix zuqc jaa hnamv zuangx mienh. 7 and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. 16

8 Se gorngv meih mbuo maaih naaiv deix zoux longx nyei sic yaac jaa maaih camv jienv faaux, ziouc bun meih mbuo cuotv banh zeic, maaih lamh longc, yaac gauh hiuv duqv mbuo nyei Ziouv Yesu Giduc. 8 For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 17

9 Mv baac haaix dauh maiv maaih naaiv deix zoux longx nyei sic nor, wuov dauh se m'zing mbuov, mangc maiv duqv go, yaac la'kuqv ninh zinh ndaangc zoux nyei zuiz duqv nzaaux nzengc mi'aqv.” 9 But if anyone does not have them, he is nearsighted and blind, and has forgotten that he has been cleansed from his past sins. 18

We need to know how to used the right times (Ephesians 5:15-18). 3. Mbuo qiemx zuqc hiuv duqv haih longc duqv horpc mbuo nyei ziangh hoc. (E^fe^so 5:15-18). We need to know how to used the right times (Ephesians 5:15-18). 19

15 Hnangv naaic, meih mbuo yiem seix zaangc oix zuqc faix fim meih mbuo hnangv haaix nor yiem. Maiv dungx hnangv mienh hngongx mienh, oix zuqc hnangv cong-mengh nyei mienh wuov nor. 16 Oix zuqc longc duqv horpc ziangh hoc, weic zuqc ih zanc nyei nyutc zeiv se orqv haic.” 15 Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.” 20

17 Maiv dungx zoux mienh hngongx mienh 17 Maiv dungx zoux mienh hngongx mienh. Oix zuqc mengh baeqc Ziouv nyei za'eix hnangv haaix nor. 18 Maiv dungx hopv diuv nquin. Diuv se bun mienh zoux waaic sic. Daaux nzuonx oix zuqc bun Singx Lingh yiem buangv hnyouv. 17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is. 18 Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit. (NIV). 21

II. Mbuo Qiemx Zuqc Hlo Yiem Jiu Tong Doic Nyei Jauv. We Need To Growth In Communication. 22

1. “Gorngv waac longx se hnangv mueiz-dorngh gaam nyei, bun hnyouv kuh yiem, sin yaac wangc siangx.” (Cong-Mengh Waac 16:24) 1. Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.” (Proverbs 16:24) (NIV). 23

2. Nzuih gorngv suonc nyei waac bun mienh maaih maengc ziangh, mv baac gorngv buv longh buv dangv nyei waac bun mienh nyei mba'nziu mbaaix. (Cong-Mengh Waac 15:4). 2. The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.” (Proverbs 15:4). 24

3. “Buv longh buv dangv nyei mienh coqv mienh nzaeng jaax 3. “Buv longh buv dangv nyei mienh coqv mienh nzaeng jaax. Gorngv waac-huv nyei mienh hoic loz-gaeng doic bun nqoi.” (Cong-Mengh Waac 16:28) 3. “A perverse man stirs up dissension, and a gossip separates close friends.” (Proverbs 16:28) (NIV). 25

4. “Gorngv waac longx se hnangv mueiz-dorngh gaam nyei, bun hnyouv kuh yiem, sin yaac wangc siangx.” (Cong-Mengh Waac 16:24). 4. “Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.” (Proverbs 16:24) (NIV). 26

5. Mienh nzuih siepv gorngv waac hnangv nzuqc ndaauv baqv mienh, mv baac cong-mengh mienh nyei waac haih hnangv ndie zorc mienh.” (Cong-Mengh Waac 12:18). 5. Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.” (Proverbs 12:18). 27

Setv Mueiz Waac Conclusion Ih hnoi nyei Ging-Sou mbuox mbuo hnangv haaix nor sienx Yesu yangh ninh nyei jauv. Baulo gorngv maiv gunv mbuo sienx maiv dunh yunh mv baac maiv dungx tuix bouc, oix zuqc hungx jienv wuov ndaangc mingh hnangv. This passage taught us how to believe and trust on Jesus, how to walk in His way. No one was perfect, but our job and our walk is going up not going down. Apostle Paul told to walk forward to the future. 28

Weic mbuo mau nyei jauv, hnangv naaic Ging-Sou cingx daaih mbuox mbuo laanh oix zuqc tengx daaih ceix jiex daaih yiem mbuo jiu tong doic nyei jauv, zoux nyei sic, laanh fu-sux laanh nyei jauv caux fu-sux Tin-Hungh nyei jauv. Nyungc zeiv se hnangv jiex mingh naaiv Ging-Sou nor. Because of our weakness, Bible told us to help and to build one another up in our communication, in our deeds. We need to help one another, we have to serve one another or serve the Lord together. Here some example of scripture teaching.

1. Yiem E^fe^so 5:21: “Meih mbuo oix zuqc laanh mbuoqc laanh weic zuqc meih mbuo lomh nzoih taaih Giduc.” 1. In Ephesians 5:21: “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.”

2. Yiem 1 Te^saa^lo^ni^gaa 5:11: “Weic naaiv oix zuqc laanh tengx laanh zungx qaqv, laanh tengx laanh ceix jiez daaih, hnangv ih zanc meih mbuo zoux nyei nor.” 2. In 1Thessalonians 5:11: “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

3. Yiem Lomaa15:14: “Zuangx gorx-youz aac, yie hiuv dingc meih mbuo za'gengh longx haic aengx maaih nyungc-nyungc wuonh zaang . Laanh yaac haih njaaux laanh. ” 3. In Romans 15:14: “I myself am convinced, my brothers, that you yourselves are full of goodness, complete in knowledge and competent to instruct one another.”

4. Yiem Gaa^laa^tie 5:13-14: “ Zuangx gorx-youz aac, Tin-Hungh heuc meih mbuo daaih zoux bungx nqoi nyei mienh. Meih mbuo duqv bungx nqoi mv baac maiv dungx weic naaiv sueih ganh ei ganh nyei hnyouv hanc zoux. Daaux nzuonx oix zuqc laanh hnamv laanh ziouc laanh fu-sux laanh, 14 weic zuqc leiz-latc yietc zungv nzutv zunv juangc diuh, se "Oix zuqc hnamv mienh hnangv hnamv ganh nor.“ 4. In Galatians 5:13-14: “You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. 14 The entire law is summed up in a single command: "Love your neighbor as yourself."

5. Yiem Hipv^lu 3:12-13: “Zuangx gorx-youz aac, oix zuqc faix fim, yiem meih mbuo naaic maiv dungx bun haaix dauh maaih orqv hnyouv, maiv sienx ziouc leih ziangh jienv nyei Tin-Hungh. 13 Meih mbuo oix zuqc hnoi-hnoi laanh kuinx laanh, da'faanh corc maaih dongh mienh heuc, "Ih Hnoi" nyei hnoi, weic maiv bun meih mbuo haaix dauh zuqc zuiz nduov ninh hnyouv ngaengc.” 5. In Hebrews 3:12-13: “See to it, brothers, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. 13 But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness.”

6. Hipv^lu 12:1 “Hnangv naaic, mbuo maaih zorng-zengx mienh ndongc naaic camv weih jienv mbuo, mbuo ziouc oix zuqc guangc yietc zungv torngv jauv nyei ga'naaiv yaac guangc aah loc nyau jienv mbuo nyei zuiz. Yaac oix zuqc longc noic diev jienv tiux, hungx jienv mingh taux dingc daaih nyei dorngx.” Hebrews 12:1 “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." 35

Hebrews 12:12 “Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees.” 7. Hipv^lu 12:12 “Hnangv naaiv, oix zuqc cau jiez maiv maaih qaqv nyei buoz, yaac bun mau nyei cingh mborqc henv jiez daaih.” Hebrews 12:12 “Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees.” 36