OPEN FOR PARTNERS PARTNERS Germany Netherlands Spain PROJECT COORDINATOR Dr. Oliver Pyper Infineon Technologies Dresden GmbH & Co. KG Königsbrücker Str. 180 01099 Dresden, Germany Austria This project has received funding from the Electronic Component Systems for European Leadership Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 692480. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and Germany, Saxony, Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, Slovakia, Spain. Slovakia FOR FURTHER DETAILS Visit and Subscribe to our newsletter Find us on facebook and youtube Register for IoSense Spring School’19 Join the IoSense Club Belgium Duration: May 2016 – April 2019 Partners: 32 partners from 6 countries Project Cost: €65,269,715.00
EUROPEAN NETWORK OF PILOT LINES IOSENSE DEMONSTRATORS ABOUT THE PROJECT DEMONSTRATORS The aim of IoSense is to boost semiconductor manufacturing in Europe and increase the competitiveness of European ECS industries enabling competitive solutions to the industry, securing employment and providing solutions to upcoming challenges in the Internet of Things (IoT) era. Smart Production ASITUniSens ANDRITZ Smart Industrial Technology Universal Sensor Smart System Integration TrustworSys Trustworthy Systems Smart Mobility SmaBility Intelligent perception and decision making GOALS Establish new pilot line supply chain as key element of an IoT value creating network Creating a network of three qualified, fully connected and collaborating pilot lines TECHNICAL INNOVATION Provide innovative sensor product design Innovative, competitive, next-generation sensors and sensor systems “Made in Europe” to provide solutions for the Internet of Things: LiDAR, sound, pressure, multi-Gases, fine dust, 3D time-of-flight, spectrometer, magnetics, temperature Smart Society Smlght Smart Lighting Provide sensor technologies for both discrete and integrated innovative sensor devices, suitable for high volume production Smart Health FiDuSens Fine Dust Sensor EUROPEAN NETWORK OF PILOT LINES Significant improvements by 2020 regarding manufacturing capacity, cost and time as well as idea-to-market for discrete and integrated sensors and sensor system solutions, including design development and test for different application- oriented supply chains. Technical Innovation Innovative, competitive, next-generation sensors and sensor systems “Made in Europe” to provide solutions for the Internet of Things: LiDAR, sound, pressure, multi-Gases, fine dust, 3D time-of-flight, spectrometer, magnetics, temperature. European Network of Pilot Lines Fully connected semiconductor pilot lines: •Frontend lines 200mm (Dresden, Regensburg)•Backend line (Regensburg)•Highly specialized manufacturing lines Provide electrical, mechanical, security and software resources for integration of sensor system components into IoT systems Demonstrate next generation connectable sensor systems for IoT and achieve benchmark performance regarding size, cost, idea-to-market for sensors and sensor systems Smart Energy AdCon Advanced Control for energy efficient Smart Energy Systems Fully connected semiconductor pilot lines: Frontend lines 200mm (Dresden, Regensburg) Backend line (Regensburg) Highly specialized manufacturing lines Demonstrate IoT sensor system reliability IOSENSE DEMONSTRATORS Smart Production SeFuProTec Sensor Function for Process Technologies Smart Society and Health HiThRaSpect High Throughput Raman spectrometer The IoSense demonstrators cover applications in the domains Smart Mobility, Society, Energy, Health and Production as well as major Smart Systems Integration aspects like security and trustworthiness. Smart System Integration R-ICU Reconfigurable Instrument Control Unit for Earth Observation Use for highlighting and links