Elecbits Project: IoT based Smart Dustbin
SMART DUSTBIN Description: Smart dustbin is an advanced dustbin which can move with the use of node MCU. The lid of smart dustbin will open just with a clap. In smart dustbin node MCU is used as microcontroller. Smart dustbin uses node MCU which acts as interface between smart dustbin and human with the use of a webpage. Webpage contains the buttons to ON or OFF the smart dustbin, control the movement and open or close the lid of dustbin. Smart dustbin also have wheels so that it can move. The movement is controlled by the webpage which instructs the node MCU and according to the input it further controls the movement of DC motors.
Block Diagram
Working Smart dustbin is a project which uses a servo motor to open and close the lid of the dustbin. The lid is opened and closed when it detects a clap. For this a sound detection sensor is used. The lid can also be opened or closed using a button on webpage. The smart dustbin moves using dc geared motors whose movements are controlled through webpage. The communication between webpage and dustbin is made using IOT. The Node MCU taking input from the webpage through IOT, instructs the Dustbin to move left, right, forward or backward.
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