Higher order questions Lesson Topic(s): Language Arts Week of: 10/29-11/2 Objectives: Students will demonstrate an understanding of subject verb agreement. TEKS:ELA 2.2B syllabic patterns, 2.5A prefix/suffix, 2.21Ai, past present future verbs, 2.17B develop drafts ELPS: c5B use vocabulary, c5F grade appropriate sentences Essential Question(s): How can I use contractions to make my sentences better? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Lesson Plan P:Lesson 36 not G:Subject Verb agreement Present tense practice. W: Mentor #9 Notice Write a paragraph. Daily Spiral writing P:Lesson 37 is, are G:Subject Verb agreement Present tense practice W: Mentor #9 Catagorize P:Lesson 38 had, have would W: Mentor #9 Revise Write a paragraph P:Lesson 39 others W: Mentor #9 Imitate P:Assessment G:Using present tense in sentences. Assessment Vocabulary You’re, isn’t, we’ll, it’s, don’t, because, better, really, right, they Present Fact Opinion Contraction Inflectional ending Higher order questions How can you tell if the subject and verb agree? What is the difference between fact and opinion? How can you make your sentences better? When are contractions used in sentences? Why should you prove what you know? Assessment Strategy Students will demonstrate how to match subjects and verbs. Students will create sentences with facts and opinions. Students can explain how contractions can change a word. Students will show how to change words into contractions and use in sentences. Students will do RTI as needed to reinforce skills.