Doctoral Programme in Clinical Psychology Mindfulness at UEA Dr Paul Fisher Personal and Professional Development is a core part of training for all three years here at UEA. During the 1st year all trainees are offered the chance to attend an 8 week in house Mindfulness programme. The Mindfulness programme is based on ideas of Jon Kabot-Zinn and others. Develop self care skills. Develop increased reflective skills. Develop intrapersonal skills needed to be a psychologist (e.g. presence). Learn to experience and deliver a clinically relevant intervention increasingly used in clinical practice. Hemanth and Fisher (2014, 2015) Background To put it another way… An 8-week hourly group. Closed group. Explores various Mindfulness exercises. Regular practices at home are encouraged. Trainees invited to deliver exercises. Facilitated by experienced practitioner Structure of the group Why have a Mindfulness group? Fisher, P. & Hemanth, P. (2015). The development, facilitation and initial evaluation of a mindfulness group for a clinical psychology training course. Clinical Psychology Forum, 266, 12-15. Hemanth, P. & Fisher, P. (2014). Clinical Psychology Trainees’ Experiences of Mindfulness: An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis. Mindfulness doi:10.1007/s12671-014-0365-4 Hemanth, P. & Fisher, P. (2015). Mindfulness as a Way of Addressing the Deficits in Clinical Psychology Training Programs: Journal of Tropical Psychology. doi:10.1017/jtp.2015.5