The Muckraker
Today’s Objective After today’s lesson, students will be able to… Define muckraker does and provide examples of specific muckrakers and their works. Discuss the importance of muckrakers in the transition from the Gilded Age to the Progressive Era. Relate the term “muckraking” to modern day society. Essential Skill: Explicitly assess information and draw conclusions (C-4) Use technology to advance critical thinking and construct knowledge (DM-1)
Would you eat it?
Would you eat it?
Would you eat it?
The truth… You have already eaten it! Many processed foods use dyes, which often are derived from coal tar. Shredded cheeses often contain saw dust as an anti-clumping agent Urine and gland secretions from beavers are mixed to create Castoreum…an FDA approved, “natural flavoring” for vanilla.
Why don’t we know more? Who digs up the dirt in our society?
What is a muckraker? Reform minded writers who exposed social ills and political corruption in order to raise public awareness of the need for reform.
Station Activity You will start at the station that matches the number of the card you received when you entered the room? You will have 5 minutes at each station, so please stay focused. Working alone, examine the documents and answer the questions that correspond to the station you are at. Let me know if you have any questions as I will be around to monitor your progress.
Station Activity Wrap-Up What stood out to you in the primary source documents? How do you think the muckrakers’ impact on society What would the other side say? Why would Rockefeller be mad about muckrakers? Do we have modern day muckrakers? Do we need modern day muckrakers?
Reflection Keeping in mind what we know about the Gilded Age, why would the muckrakers be important? (Use specific examples) What kind of impact do you think they had on society?
Conclusion Today we learned… Never eat vanilla flavored ice cream!
Conclusion Today we learned… Who muckrakers were and what they wanted to accomplish! How muckrakers impacted society and led to the Progressive Era!